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Moldova Receives Humanitarian Aid From NATO

Moldova received on Monday the second tranche of medical equipment granted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to Moldova in the fight against COVID-19.

Moldova received on Monday, March 29, the second tranche of medical equipment granted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to Moldova in the fight against COVID-19. The donation consists of 100,000 FFP2 masks, worth 190,000 dollars. According to the Ministry of Health, the medical equipment will be distributed to public health institutions. The Presidency representatives thanked NATO, Luxembourg, Norway and, Romania for this support.

“The Romanian Air Force aircraft that brought humanitarian aid for Moldova from NATO has just landed. It is made of 100,000 masks, worth 190,000 thousand dollars. We thank NATO, Luxembourg, Norway, and, of course, Romania, for their solidarity and support in the fight against the pandemic. Medical and protective equipment for hospitals helps us to protect the life and health of doctors. The vaccine donation received yesterday from Romania helps us to save the lives of the citizens,” it is shown in the informative note of the Presidency.

On February 24, 2021, Moldova received the first tranche of the donation consisting of 25,000 disposable protective suits (Tyvek 600+), amounting to 300,000 dollars.