Moldova Receives a 10 Million Euros Grant from Germany

Moldova receives a 10 Million euros grant from Germany for a sewerage system project.
Moldova’s Ministry of Finance and the Development Bank of Germany, on behalf of the Government of Germany, signed the Supplementary Financing Agreement and the Grant Agreement for financing the project “Drinking Water and Sewerage System, Moldova Center, Phase 2″, In a total value of 10 million euros.
The project’s aim is to improve the living conditions of the population by minimizing health risks, developing and expanding water supply services in rural areas by connecting about 5 rural localities to the Chișinău aqueduct.
The Agreement also provides for the provision of consulting services to the Center Regional Development Agency, as well as services of expertise to support water operators in Strășeni and Calarasi districts for expanding the supply area.
According to the Ministry of Finance, through this additional funding, the total budget of the project will reach 25 million euros, non-reimbursable assistance.