Moldova Negotiates a 30 Million Euros Loan with the European Investment Bank to Implement the Real Estate Energy Rehabilitation Program

Moldova would initiate negotiations with the European Investment Bank on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency in Moldova project. The document provides for the contracting of an external state loan worth 30 million euros, in order to carry out the project. A draft in this regard has been positively endorsed by the Committee on Foreign Policy and European Integration.
According to a note issued by the representatives of the Parliament, the project is oriented towards the implementation of a national program for energy rehabilitation of the real estate fund of Moldova which includes both central and local public institutions. At the same time, it comes to ensuring the implementation of the commitments assumed by the authorities in the field of sustainable development and energy efficiency.
Moldova is to negotiate a loan of 30 million euros from the European Investment Bank, another loan of 30 million euros from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as obtain a grant of 15 million euros from the European Investment Bank, part of the European Commission’s Neighborhood Investment Platform. At the same time, there is a grant of 500,000 euros from the Technical Assistance Trust Fund for Eastern Partnership Countries, with a project implementation period of 4 years (2022 – 2025).
The main category of beneficiaries of the Project will be public institutions, such as republican hospitals, but also those of local importance (kindergartens, schools, municipal and district hospitals).
The project is to be implemented in two stages: the first – with a focus on public institutions (hospitals), with a budget of approximately 45 million euros, with equal coverage from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank and the second stage – with a focus on local government authorities, within the limits of their requests, with a budget of about 30 million euros.