Moldova Celebrates Human Rights Day
A National Public Dialogue on Human Rights in the educational system will take place today, on December 10, the day on which human rights are celebrated internationally. Students and young people, winners in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for human rights competition, will take part in the event, to present their ideas regarding the integration of human rights in the educational system.
On December 10, Moldova along with all the world celebrates Human Rights Day, with an event held especially for the students and young people willing to speak up their opinion about Human Rights.
Students and young people, winners of the competition for projects in the field of ICT and human rights, organized by the UN Office for Human Rights in Moldova between September – November this year, will participate in the event.
Also, representatives of the National Monitoring Platform for International Human Rights Recommendations will take part in the event.
This constitutes a unique opportunity for students and young people participating in the competition to present their ideas and vision regarding the integration of human rights in the education system, as well as to have an open dialogue with the representatives of the Government, the National Human Rights Institutions and the most active representatives of civil society, promoters of human rights.
“We have a duty to ensure young people’s voices are heard. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948, was a firm commitment by States to protect the rights of everyone – and that includes making it possible for future generations to uphold human dignity, equality and rights.
All human beings have a right to participate in decisions that have an impact on their lives. In order to ensure more effective decision-making, and to build greater trust and harmony across their nations, the leaders of every society should be listening to their people – and acting in accordance with their needs and demands,” the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet stated yesterday, on December 9.