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Moldova and the Development Bank of Germany Signed an Additional Agreement Worth 2.77 Million Euros for the ”Clean water for Cahul” Project

The Moldovan Government, the municipality of Cahul District, and the Development Bank of Germany signed on Tuesday, September 21, an Additional Agreement for the implementation of the EU and Moldova: Clean water for Cahul, in a total value of 2.77 million euros. The complete project budget will amount to 36.4 million euros in non-reimbursable assistance, including a contribution of 12.9 million euros from the European Union.

According to the note issued by the Ministry of Finance, the agreement is meant to co-finance the project under the Financing Agreement and the Project signed on August 1, 2018, between the Development Bank of Germany, the Moldovan Government and the Municipality of Cahul District, according to which the Development Bank of Germany granted to Moldova 23.5 million euros, later supplemented by the European Union with 10.12 million euros.

The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate and expand the water supply and sewerage infrastructure in the Cahul district. The project will bring tangible results to the population of Cahul district, by minimizing health risks, as well as improving environmental protection and smarter use of natural resources.

Through this additional funding, the total project budget will amount to 36.4 million euros in non-reimbursable assistance, including a contribution of 12.9 million euros from the European Union.