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Ministry of Education and Research Launches an Investment Program Worth 24.7 Million Euros for Higher Education Institutions

The Ministry of Education and Research is launching an investment program worth 24.7 million euros for higher education institutions in Moldova. Several universities and colleges will receive funding under the Higher Education of Moldova project, implemented with the support of the World Bank.

Beneficiary institutions will be selected on the basis of competition. Public higher education institutions and pedagogical colleges that train specialists in the fields of education sciences, engineering, and engineering activities, information and communication technologies, and health are eligible. The total value of the program is 24.7 million and the money can be used to modernize and equip study halls, laboratories, and research centers.

Each of the eligible higher education institutions will be able to benefit from a maximum of 2.15 million euros, and each eligible pedagogical college – from a maximum of 900,000 euros. As a result of the funding competition, nine higher education institutions and six pedagogical colleges that train specialists in the fields eligible for this project will benefit. Universities and colleges can submit the competition form until December 13 this year.

The Higher Education Project in Moldova was launched in 2020 and provides systemic interventions to improve the quality, funding, and management of higher education. The project will end in 2025, the value of the loan granted by the World Bank for its realization being 35.7 million euros.