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Medicine students are arrested in mass

While they (“Centrul pentru Drepturile Omului“, in English “Human Rights Center”) make contracts, look what is happening under their nose ( took from ).

“Good day, dear representatives of the redactions in which, the students from Chişinău, have trust. I don’t know what the situation on other institutions is, but we, students from the University of Medicine, are living in terror. Every day they come inside our student hostel places and we are arrested in mass, about 12 to 15 people from each hostel.

Yesterday this happened in front of mine and other colleagues eyes — a police men entered accompanied by about 15 masked people, fluttered some orders that I didn’t understand where they were coming from — from the Interior Ministry or the deanship, had the photos of some colleagues among which some weren’t at that moment on the square (street), because we were altogether attending the school classes, and took them.

In the evenings, inside the student camp from Malina Mică it’s even worse – in front of the hostels it usually stays the police van and they make raids accompanied by even the dean. Our unique refugee is the library from the same sector, where we refuge because we are afraid to stay in our hostel rooms, but we’ve heard that this evening they will come to pick us up from the library. Every time we’ve refuge on the library we’ve been happy that we’ve escaped the raids from the school classes.

Furthermore, it’s been said that they are waiting for the Easter Holiday and they will come to pick us up from home, from our parents. We are very scared and we don’t know what to do. We’ve formed a sort of committee formed by a couple of people and we wanted to go in public and declare what is happening in our University, where the deans themselves betrayed us, the chief of chair in front with the rector, but right the next day most of that committee members have been arrested. We don’t know where two of them have been arrested from, we suspect that from the street, because nobody seen them.

We are afraid to tell somebody about this because they may betray us. We are afraid to walk alone on the street because we could be arrested and nobody would know what happened with us. We are afraid to walk in groups of 2 or 3 people because in one of the groups a teacher discussed Monday with the students about the arrests, and the next day they’ve been arrested. We have the impression that those that have already been arrested are more relaxed that us, those that remained and don’t know what to expect.

There are also many school expulsions at I don’t know whose order, because the University doesn’t detail it, it’s been said that at the Interior Ministry order. Since when the Interior Ministry orders to expel the students that are having good learning results, have no absentees, attended the school classes in the day of the protests, but because the public transportation didn’t pass on the Stephen the Great and Saint Boulevard (Blvd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt), walked by foot in the Great National Reunion Square (Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale)? This is happening in our case. We cannot live with this terror. Please do help us!

Medicine Student