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Media NGOs: “We bring to the attention of the international media embassies and institutions that the cases of journalists’ aggression in the Republic of Moldova have multiplied”

Non-governmental media organizations condemn the aggression, intimidation, violent actions against journalists in the events of 7-9 June 2019 by participants in the protests organized by the Democratic Party of Moldova in Chisinau. During these three days, several media outlets published videos about the aggression of their reporters while on the ground to document and inform citizens. (Here is a list of the main violations of the rights of journalists and media outlets in this period).

The position of media NGOs against such attacks is firm: organizers of protests have to take full responsibility for the incidents, abuses and excesses that have occurred in public demonstrations during this period.

We vehemently condemn the bullying of journalists and the violence against them.

We remind protestors that any violent behavior in relation to the media is a serious violation of the rights of journalists, to whom the law guarantees their freedom to obtain and disseminate information through the media, to make audiovisual prints, to film and photograph, to attend rallies, demonstrations and all kinds of public events (Article 20 of the Press Law).

Intimidation of the media or the journalist for criticism is punishable by criminal law in accordance with Article 180 of the Criminal Code. The state guarantees the defense of the honor and dignity of the journalist, protects his/her health, life and goods. (Article 20 paragraph (3) of the Press Law).

We bring to the attention of the international media organizations – Reporters Without Borders, Freedom House, IFEX, SEEMO, SEEMP – that in the Republic of Moldova the cases of journalists’ aggression have multiplied lately and media representatives feel unsafe in the exercise of their profession.  

We appeal to the embassies, international institutions accredited in the Republic of Moldova to take note of the cases that we attach below and to give them proper attention.

Center for Independent Journalism 
Association of Independent Press Electronic Press Association 
Journalistic Investigation Center 
Press Freedom Committee   
Independent Journalists Association   RISE Moldova 
Access-Info Center