Principală  —  Justice   —   Latest decision of the Pre-Vetting…

Latest decision of the Pre-Vetting Committee on Parliament’s nominees to the SCM

The Pre-Vetting Commission announced on Thursday, 30 March, that it has completed its evaluation of the group of candidates proposed by the Parliament for the positions in the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) and has issued its last decision in this regard. According to the Commission, the non-judge candidate to the SCM, Alexandru Rotari, failed the integrity assessment.

The conclusion is contained in the decision sent to the candidate and to Parliament, the institution responsible for organising the competition in this case.

Alexandru Rotari has 48 hours to notify the Commission whether he accepts or objects to the publication of the decision. Failing notification, the decision will be published on the Commission’s website in a depersonalised form.

According to the provisions of Law No 26/2022, any decision may be appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice within 5 days of receipt.

On Thursday 30 March, the Parliament’s Legal Committee approved the appointment of the three candidates who passed the evaluation: Alexandru Postica, Ciaglic Tatiana, Ion Guzun. They are to be voted on, also on Thursday, at the Parliament session.

12 candidates with relevant professional experience in law, admitted to the competition by a decision of the Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities, have passed the financial and ethical integrity verification process conducted by the pre-vetting committee in order to become eligible for membership of the SCM.

Following the assessment of non-judges, the Commission issued three promotion decisions and nine non-promotion decisions, four of which were on the grounds of withdrawal from the competition or non-submission of the declaration for 5 years in time. So far, 9 of the 12 candidates assessed have accepted the publication of the Pre-Vetting Commission’s decisions.

A total of eight candidates with professional experience in law or other relevant field participated in the interview of the Pre-Vetting Committee. They are the non-judge candidates Tatiana Chiriac, Tatiana Ciaglic, Alexandru Rotari, Valentin Caișîn, Alexandru Postică, Ion Guzun, Ștefan Belecciu and Angela Popil. One more candidate from this group is expected to receive the Commission’s decisions in the coming days.