INFOGRAPHIC: Exports of Goods of Moldova in the First Five Months of 2021, Increasing by 12.7% Compared to 2020

Exports of Moldova in the first five months of 2021 in January-May amounted to 1104.7 million US dollars, a value higher by 12.7%, compared to 2020, according to data presented by the National Bureau of Statistics. Exports of goods to European Union countries during this period totaled 720.4 million US dollars, 16.5% more than in 2020. Romania being the main country where Moldovan goods arrived (27.8% of the total exports reached Romania).
According to the NBS, exports of goods in May 2021 had a value of 201.7 million US dollars, 7.6% less than in April 2021 and 29.5% more compared to May 2020.

In January-May 2021, exports of goods amounted to 1104.7 million US dollars, a value higher by 12.7%, compared to that recorded in the same period of 2020.
Exports of domestic goods in January-May 2021 amounted to 817.3 million US dollars (74.0% of total exports), increasing by 7.4% compared to the same period in 2020, which contributed to the increase in the total value of exports by 5.8%.
Re-exports of foreign goods in January-May 2021 amounted to 287.4 million US dollars (26.0% of total exports) or 30.8% more compared to the same period in 2020. This increase affected the increase in total exports by 6.9%.
The road transport in January-May 2021, remain the most frequently used for exports of goods (92.7% of total exports), followed by maritime transport (5.4%), air transport (1.1% ), rail transport (0.7%), and postal items (0.1%).

Exports of goods to 27 European Union countries in January-May 2021 totaled 720.4 million US dollars (16.5% more than the corresponding period in 2020), with a share of 65.2 % of total exports, increasing by 2.2 percentage points compared to January-May 2020.
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Exports of goods to CIS countries in January-May 2021 had a value of 173.4 million US dollars (7.3% more than the same period in 2020), which is equivalent to a share of 15.7% in total exports, decreasing by 0.8 percentage points, compared to January-May 2020.

In January-May 2021 the main destination countries for exports of goods which accounted for 88.9% of total exports were: Romania (27.8% of total exports), Germany (10.4 %), the Russian Federation (9.5%), Turkey (9.1%), Italy (7.0%), Poland (3.9%), Czech Republic (3.1%), Ukraine (2.8%) Belarus (2.4%), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1.8%), Spain (1.6%), the Netherlands, Hungary, and Portugal (1.5% each), Switzerland, France and Bulgaria (1.3% each), Greece (1.1%).

The analysis of the evolution of exports by countries in January-May 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, reveals the increase in deliveries of goods to Romania (+ 27.4%), Germany (+ 35.5%), Turkey (+ 42.2%), Hungary (2.6 times), Ukraine (+ 33.3%), Portugal (1.8 times), Belgium (2.1 times), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland North (+ 30.0%), Lebanon (+ 46.1%), Russian Federation (+ 2.7%), Poland (+ 6.5%), Libya (131.7 times), Egypt (23 times), Netherlands (+ 11.7%), Uzbekistan (2.2 times), Israel (1.7 times), Canada (1.6 times), Czech Republic (+ 3.9%), Slovakia (+ 29.0%), China (+ 26.7%), United States of America (+ 9.3%), Nigeria (2.4 times), Northern Macedonia (1.9 times), Georgia (+ 6.0%), which contributed to the increase in total exports by 18.9%.
At the same time, exports of goods that decreased were to Switzerland (-60.5%), Greece (-37.0%), Italy (-7.6%), Indonesia (-87.1%), Cyprus -52.0%), Spain (-11.8%), Bulgaria (-12.8%), Estonia (-59.6%), France (-9.8%), Belarus (-4.4%) ), Jordan (-78.8%), Saudi Arabia (-42.9%), South Africa (-64.3%), Taiwan, Province of China (-81.7%), Iraq (-17, 0%), Morocco (-84.0%), thus mitigating the increase in total exports by 5.8%.
In the structure of exports from January-May 2021, six sections of goods in the Standard Classification of International Trade hold 91.0% of total exports, as follows: transport machinery and equipment (26.0%); miscellaneous manufactured articles (21.5%); food and live animals (17.4%); inedible raw materials (10.4%); manufactured goods (8.2%); beverages and tobacco (7.5%).