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In 26 years, Moldova has been condemned at the ECHR almost 600 times. What violations our country has committed

Source: LRCM

Tuesday 12 September marks 26 years since the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) examined complaints against Moldova. In this context, the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) summarized in a document all the violations committed by our country, reviewing the types of violations and the judgments condemning our country.

According to the LRCM, in total, the state has been convicted 590 times for 764 human rights violations. Most of the findings concern violations of the right to a fair trial. The Moldovan authorities admitted 239 violations of this right, protected by Article 6 of the Convention.

This is followed by violations of Article 3 of the ECHR which provides for the prohibition of torture. State representatives neglected this provision in 180 cases. The right to liberty and security was also violated 113 times and the right to an effective remedy was violated in 65 cases, according to the LRCM.

“The document is an analytical effort aimed at informing society about the need to respect human rights, but also to increase the level of information of specialists about Moldovan cases at the ECtHR. We very much hope that this collection of case law will facilitate the application of ECtHR standards at the national level and contribute to the prevention of similar violations”, said Daniel Goinic, Director of the Human Rights Programme at the LRCM.

The synthesis was prepared on the basis of a study of ECtHR case law in Moldovan cases available in the Court’s HUDOC database. The violations were systematised in a table according to the articles and types of violations found. In the table, under each category, all the judgments in which a violation of the same type was found are mentioned. Since 2010, the LRCM has analysed the work of the ECtHR in Moldovan cases, preparing analytical notes for each year separately.