Principală  —  Justice   —   In 2021, the Criminal Assets…

In 2021, the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency has seized 865 assets with a total value of 736,198,779 lei

The National Anti-Corruption Centre (CNA) presented its activity report for 2021 on Tuesday, 19 July. The meeting was attended by members of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities and the Committee on National Security, Defence and Public Order. The information was presented by NAC director Iulian Rusu.

In 2021, investigation officers of the National Anti-Corruption Centre detected 743 crimes, including passive bribery, influence peddling, active bribery, fraud, abuse of power or abuse of office. Iulian Rusu also mentioned the institutions and organisations where most corruption cases were detected.

Following an analysis of the offences detected, the most common ones are
corruption and corruption-related acts as follows:

  • passive corruption – 237 offences;
  • trading in influence – 159 offences;
  • active corruption – 108 offences;
  • fraud – 42 offences;
  • abuse of power or abuse of office – 40.

The report also contains information on the work of the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency (ARBI). Thus, during 2021, ARBI has seized 865 assets, worth a total of 736,198,779 lei (37,318,000 EURO), of which almost 70 percent is for assets identified as beneficial owners.

Finally, the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Centre referred to the priorities for the current year – the effective promotion of policies to prevent and combat corruption, the strengthening of the Criminal Assets Recovery Agency or the adjustment of the legal and institutional framework to international standards. Also, in 2022, the CNA’s work will focus on preventing and combating corruption in centralized public procurement in health, execution of road repair programs, combating systemic corruption and the process of managing foreign funds.

According to the law, every year the National Anti-Corruption Centre must submit a report on the conduct of its work.