How much does a vote cost in the North? Two people handed over money received for votes to police

Two people in a northern town voluntarily handed over to the police on Wednesday, November 1, cash received in exchange for votes in the local elections, the General Inspectorate of Police (IGP) said in a press release.
The man and the woman who came to the police headquarters reportedly said they had received 1,000 lei each from representatives of a political party to vote for it in the local elections on 5 November, the IGP noted.
“They declare that they voluntarily turned to the police because they realised the unlawful nature of the act and decided to hand over the money in order not to become subject to criminal liability,” according to the IGP.
According to Article 181 first of the Criminal Code, bribery of voters is punishable by a fine in the amount of 37 500 lei to 57 500 lei or imprisonment of one year to 5 years, imposed on an individual. The law does not provide penalties for voters who accept money or other benefits.