High-level corruption cases will be investigated by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. Bill supported in first reading

Parliament voted on Thursday, March 30, on the draft law that provides for the delimitation of the competences of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) and the National Anti-Corruption Centre (NAC) when investigating high-level corruption cases. The bill was supported at first reading by 54 MPs, according to a press release.
The authors of the legislative initiative propose that the function of criminal investigation of high-level corruption be exercised by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. At the same time, the National Anti-Corruption Centre will investigate cases of systemic corruption and petty corruption will be investigated by the prosecution body of the Ministry of Interior. More specifically, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office will prosecute cases committed by the President of the country, MPs, members of the Government, judges, prosecutors, NAC employees, SIS management and intelligence and security officers.
The draft law, drafted by a working group created on the platform of the Ministry of Justice, ensures the implementation of the conditions of the Action Plan for the implementation of the measures proposed by the European Commission in its Opinion on Moldova’s application for EU membership, as well as the Memorandum on economic and financial policies concluded with the International Monetary Fund.
The document will be proposed for a second reading in the plenary of the Parliament.