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Four Years Lost With President Dodon

“The first round showed that two-thirds of the voters want changes. Moldova’s people have proved that our country can unite against theft and lawlessness. On November 15, we have the chance to put Moldova on the right path and build a functional state that no longer works for thieves, but people” (Maia Sandu)

“Down with Dodon!”, “Down with corruption!”, “Dodon must go!” These are the key messages, with which, on November 1, the first round of the presidential elections took place. Six of the eight candidates demanded it, except Igor Dodon and Violeta Ivanov from the Shor Party (the main indicted in the theft of the billion). Also, all parliamentary parties (except Democratic Party) demanded it, extra-parliamentary anti-system political parties demanded it, the Diaspora demanded it – both in the West and in the East. Dodon, who was so conceited that he would be able to win the first battle for the presidency, loses to Maia Sandu, with all the support that Russia has offered him at the presidential level, at the level of Foreign Affairs, of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, of the electoral wings and convicts from the breakaway Transnistria region. Maia Sandu wins with 36.16% of the votes, Igor Dodon ranking second, with a difference of about 4% (32.61% of the vote), followed by Renato Usatîi, with 16.9%. Although candidate Usatîi has nothing in common with the second round, we cannot leave the third place unnoticed, as the results of the second round will depend on what will happen and to whom the votes of Usatîi will be given.

In conclusion, regarding the first round: “Dodon down!” it’s real. It would be naive to trust our polls (paid and therefore rigged), but you can’t neglect them either. The results of the first round for the so-called right swing (taking into account Dodon’s bad image) could have been different if the right swing one had chosen to go with a common candidate. But it was as it was.

While congratulating the results of the first round and the four percent failure of Dodon, the merit is undoubted of the voters: both those at home and living abroad. The vote of the Diaspora (70% for Maia Sandu and only 3.6% for Igor Dodon) proved very clearly that for them Moldova matters, that Moldova is their country and their home. They gave Dodon a vote of rebuke – only 3.6%. Although Igor Dodon is looking for an outside power intervention in this vote, the explanation goes like this: the people are tired of promises, fakes, and lies. For Moldovans living abroad, four years with Dodon as president were a waste of time and a step back for Moldova (but does it seem different for those who are still in the country?). To move forward, Moldova needs a change, and Dodon has to go away.

A day after the end of the first round, Dodon resumed his electoral agenda, throwing blocks in Moldova’s Diaspora and lies at Maia Sandu. “The Diaspora represents an electorate parallel to that of the Moldova” and it does not have to decide Moldova’s  “fate,’’ declared Dodon. How’s that? If the Moldovan diaspora is a “parallel electorate”, what kind of electorate is the one in the breakaway Transnistria region, paid, politically indoctrinated by Moscow, and brought to the polling stations? If this electorate, the Diaspora, is “parallel”, why do you feed on their billions transferred home every year? In 2019 alone, about two billion dollars.

Do you know, Ig. Nikolaevich the Diaspora’s reply? I read in a comment: “The ‘parallel’ electorate must draw a line perpendicular to Igor Dodon’s political career,” which would mean no vote in the second round from the Diaspora. And those at home, who have their children, grandchildren, parents, brothers and sisters abroad.

On November 15, we will go to the polls again. How? Much more mobilized. The undecided people must decide who they will vote for. For Diaspora – general mobilization. The former competitors – Andrei Năstase, Dorin Chirtoacă, Octavian Țîcu, Tudor Deliu (who declared to support Maia) and the parties you represent – common front. Monitoring – absolute. The choice is much simpler than in the first round: Maia or Dodon, between a lying president, a thief who in four years impoverished Moldova more than Plahotniuc had impoverished it in 9 years and an anti-Dodon and anti-Plahotniuc candidate? Dodon boasts that he took down Plahotniuc. Yes, but with the vote of Maia, the PAS and the Dignity and Truth Platform, after which he kicked them and became a second Plahotniuc. He promised the return of the billion. Where’s? It was stolen a second time, with the “kuliok” (”bag”), and with the “new parliamentary majority”.

Dodon has become the biggest evil for Moldova today. By vote on November 15, we can get rid of him. Any vote for Maia Sandu is a vote against Ig. Dodon, and any vote against Ig. Dodon is a vote for Maia Sandu. Everyone to the vote!