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Customs Service Found 2 Million Cigarettes in a Sand Truck Coming from Breakaway Transnistria

The Customs Service announces that it found about two million cigarettes hidden in a truck transporting 24 tons of sand from the breakaway Transnistrian region: “the largest catch of tobacco products made by customs officers in the last four years.”

Customs officers discovered 1.9 million cigarettes, hidden in a truck transporting 24 tons of sand from the breakaway Transnistrian region. A criminal case was initiated on this case, and a Moldovan citizen was detained for 72 hours.

”Customs officers found in the truck, under a layer of sand of about 30 cm, 190 boxes of pressed paper, containing a total of 1.9 million cigarettes of Ashima brand cigarettes. This is the largest catch made by the Customs Service in the last four years. According to preliminary information, tobacco products on the black market of Moldova are worth over 50,000 euros.”

According to the law, smuggling is punishable by imprisonment from four to 10 years.