“Restricted”: Intelligence and Security Service refuses to publish names of beneficial owners of ‘Primul în Moldova’ and ‘Accent TV’ stations Justice
Two men arrested for blackmail and death threats: They demanded two million euros from the victim Justice
New composition of the CSM: Representatives of the Pre-Vetting Commission say they are to announce 15 more decisions on candidates for CSM posts from among career judges Justice
Four men from Ialoveni district detained for illegal hunting. They face a maximum sentence of up to 3 years in prison Justice
25 000 lei fine for the man who wrote “Putin – murderer” on the Russian Embassy gate in Chisinau Justice
Win at the Paris Court of Appeal in the “Energoalians” case: Moldova will not pay the amount claimed by the Ukrainian company for electricity delivered Justice
Between “Blackmailed. Scared. At times – corrupted” and “I hope that in 2023, in May, we will have a functioning CSM”. Experts’ opinions on justice in Moldova in 2023 Important
The wealth and activity of the five magistrates who did not pass the evaluation of the Pre-Vetting Commission for CSM positions Justice
Will the five magistrates who failed the Pre-Vetting Commission assessment still be able to work in the judiciary? Justice
Prison-directed scam. Police: “Under the pretext of urgently needing money for a child’s operation, the accused was embezzling money from people” Justice
How the court motivates the acquittal of former National Bank Deputy Governor Emma Tabîrța and three other former employees of the institution in the “Laundromat” case Justice
”When I climb, I feel freedom and I feel special” – Interview with Vladislav Zotea, a Mountain Climber from Moldova, who Lives in the USA About Moldova
Roskomnadzor Orders ZdG to Delete an Article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and Asked Internet Operators to Block ZdG’s Website About Moldova
OPINION POLL: A Year with Maia Sandu: “I think she has to put Shor, Plahotniuc, Platon in prison and take all their fortunes and give them to the people.” About Moldova
A New Criminal Case Opened on the Controversial Businessman, Veaceslav Platon: A 350,000 Euros Tax Evasion About Moldova
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Proposes for the year 2022, the Average Monthly Salary of 490 Euros. For 2021, the Average Monthly Salary was 430 Euros About Moldova
The EU Supports the Economic Growth of Seven Localities in Moldova through Financial Assistance of 2.6 Million Euros About Moldova