Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office announces that it has completed the criminal prosecution of Marina Tauber and the “Sor” Political Party Justice
SCM – negative opinion on the draft Government decision on the external evaluation of judges and prosecutors Justice
Pre-Vetting Commission announces preliminary data on the evaluation of candidates for PSC positions Justice
The “Bank Fraud” case, in which the former leader of the PDM, Vlad Plahotniuc, is targeted, will go to trial. The Court of Appeal upholds the decision of the Chisinau court Justice
Nearly 700 thousand lei – the difference found between the wealth and income of the former head of the Prosecutor’s Office of Hâncesti district Justice
The head of a forestry farm in Hincesti and his son, about whom ZdG wrote in the investigation Forest Thieves (II), targeted in the case of illegal felling of 1400 trees Exclusive
General Director and Deputy Director of the State Enterprise “Air Moldova” Airline Company, sentenced for exceeding their duties Justice
The pardoning process. The procedure for examining requests submitted to the Special Commission Exclusive
Statements on video evidence allegedly missing from Veaceslav Platon’s file in court – “a distortion of reality”, according to the Chisinau court Justice
A 48-year-old man was convicted of tax evasion by a sales company and ordered to pay the state about 19 million lei Justice
Prosecutor Gheorghe Graur, a candidate for the position of member of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, heard by the Pre-Vetting Commission Justice
”When I climb, I feel freedom and I feel special” – Interview with Vladislav Zotea, a Mountain Climber from Moldova, who Lives in the USA About Moldova
Roskomnadzor Orders ZdG to Delete an Article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and Asked Internet Operators to Block ZdG’s Website About Moldova
OPINION POLL: A Year with Maia Sandu: “I think she has to put Shor, Plahotniuc, Platon in prison and take all their fortunes and give them to the people.” About Moldova
A New Criminal Case Opened on the Controversial Businessman, Veaceslav Platon: A 350,000 Euros Tax Evasion About Moldova
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Proposes for the year 2022, the Average Monthly Salary of 490 Euros. For 2021, the Average Monthly Salary was 430 Euros About Moldova
The EU Supports the Economic Growth of Seven Localities in Moldova through Financial Assistance of 2.6 Million Euros About Moldova