The third judge and candidate for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy who withdraws from the competition – Iana Talmaci Justice
The “bank fraud” case: former National Bank of Moldova governor and vice-governor, on the dock. They are charged with fraud and money laundering using their official position Justice
The government in Chisinau presented to the ECtHR its position on the admissibility and merits of the applications filed by the lawyers of suspended Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo Justice
A magistrate of the Chisinau Court, suspected of false statements. The Superior Council of Magistracy issued the consent for the initiation of criminal proceedings Justice
Adrian Nichifor, sentenced to 17 years in prison for murder, will also face charges of active corruption Justice
The Superior Council of Prosecutors appointed an interim chief prosecutor at the Chișinău Prosecutor’s Office and an interim deputy chief prosecutor of the PCCOCS Justice
Three border guards are under criminal investigation for illegally facilitating transit through Moldova by Ukrainian citizens Justice
Moldova’s efforts from the perspective of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network. Case study: Protection of whistleblowers About Moldova
Judge Petru Harmaniuc sold his house in Stăuceni and a Lexus. Then, he bought a 170 square metre apartment and a Mercedes worth half a million lei. ANI checked him and found no unjustified wealth Exclusive
Head of the CNA Criminal Investigation Department, photographed driving a luxury car, claims to have been illegally tailed. A judge, previously targeted in a memo he issued, denounced him for illicit enrichment. Exclusive
President Maia Sandu: “Corrupt people in the system are still the biggest obstacle to justice reform” Justice
The Ministry of Justice and the US Embassy in Chisinau signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support justice reforms Foreign Affairs
Notorious star-lawyer Valerian Mînzat, sentenced to nine years in prison, was released early. Lipcani Prison appeals the decision Justice
Promo-LEX: Torture victim in Transnistria risks being deprived of his liberty for reporting abuses by the regime on the left bank of the Dniester River Important
A second judge, a candidate for membership of the Superior Council of Magistracy, withdrew from the integrity assessment competition. Justice
”When I climb, I feel freedom and I feel special” – Interview with Vladislav Zotea, a Mountain Climber from Moldova, who Lives in the USA About Moldova
Roskomnadzor Orders ZdG to Delete an Article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and Asked Internet Operators to Block ZdG’s Website About Moldova
OPINION POLL: A Year with Maia Sandu: “I think she has to put Shor, Plahotniuc, Platon in prison and take all their fortunes and give them to the people.” About Moldova
A New Criminal Case Opened on the Controversial Businessman, Veaceslav Platon: A 350,000 Euros Tax Evasion About Moldova
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Proposes for the year 2022, the Average Monthly Salary of 490 Euros. For 2021, the Average Monthly Salary was 430 Euros About Moldova
The EU Supports the Economic Growth of Seven Localities in Moldova through Financial Assistance of 2.6 Million Euros About Moldova