Former MP Vladimir Andronachi accused of “leading role” in the attempt to deprive Moldova of a building in Odessa Important
Three employees of the National Public Security Inspectorate, under criminal investigation for passive bribery Justice
Former platoon commander in Donetsk, paid 150 thousand Russian rubles a year, sentenced to prison in Moldova Justice
Interim Prosecutor-General asks the Superior Council of Magistracy to start disciplinary proceedings against Judge Gheorghe Balan, in the context of the verdict in the case of former sportsman Ion Șoltoianu Justice
Prosecutors have confiscated over 250 thousand lei in the criminal case on “preparation of mass riots” Justice
PROMOTED: The first three female magistrates, candidates for membership of the Superior Council of Magistracy have passed the assessment of financial and ethical integrity Justice
Former Prosecutor-General Harunjen asks the President to annul the decree on his dismissal and asks to be reinstated Justice
PCCOCS has opened a criminal case file on the fact of overflying the airspace of Moldova by missiles in early October and following the detonation of an explosive device near the village of Naslavcea Foreign Affairs
The candidacies of 11 other magistrates proposed for the position of judge until the age limit is reached, rejected by President Maia Sandu Justice
A lawyer detained by the CNA and anti-corruption prosecutors: he allegedly demanded 30 thousand euros to settle a case in court Justice
”When I climb, I feel freedom and I feel special” – Interview with Vladislav Zotea, a Mountain Climber from Moldova, who Lives in the USA About Moldova
Roskomnadzor Orders ZdG to Delete an Article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and Asked Internet Operators to Block ZdG’s Website About Moldova
OPINION POLL: A Year with Maia Sandu: “I think she has to put Shor, Plahotniuc, Platon in prison and take all their fortunes and give them to the people.” About Moldova
A New Criminal Case Opened on the Controversial Businessman, Veaceslav Platon: A 350,000 Euros Tax Evasion About Moldova
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Proposes for the year 2022, the Average Monthly Salary of 490 Euros. For 2021, the Average Monthly Salary was 430 Euros About Moldova
The EU Supports the Economic Growth of Seven Localities in Moldova through Financial Assistance of 2.6 Million Euros About Moldova