What are the risks of changes to electoral legislation one month before the general local elections? An expert’s findings and the President of Parliament’s explanation Exclusive
Behind-the-scenes revelations from the Orthodox Church. The Metropolitanate of Moldova confirms the authenticity of the letter addressed to Patriarch Kiril of Moscow by His Eminence Vladimir: “We are in a situation of institutional bankruptcy” About Moldova
Searches in a case of abuse of office and fraud on a particularly large scale. Representatives of an economic agent and an association suspected of fraudulently obtaining a grant of 14 million lei Justice
14 Moldovan citizens detained in the Czech Republic. Security and Intelligence Service reports seizure of about 18 million illicit cigarettes and over 11 tons of tobacco Justice
Former Minister of Interior Gheorghe Papuc, clean before the law. Chisinau court cleared him of criminal record Justice
Ping-pong of complaints between mayor Ceban and General Police Inspectorate on the subject of traffic jams in the capital Justice
The Audiovisual Council did not extend the licence of one TV station and did not offer the licence to another Justice
Who are the five judges who would like to join the Supreme Court of Justice by transfer. Some have been under criminal or disciplinary investigation Important
The Court of Appeal orders the Superior Council of Magistracy to examine again the request to initiate criminal proceedings against Judge Oleg Melniciuc, suspected of sexual harassment Justice
A former head of an Security and Intelligence Service directorate, a K1 fighter and his relative brought to justice for influence peddling Justice