Fines of over 1 million lei for wearing the “St. George” ribbon. 8 “ribbon” MPs have paid the fines and 9 others have challenged them in court Justice
How the ZdG investigation “Protesters to rent” became evidence in the Government’s file on the verification of the constitutionality of the Shor Party. Comments from lawyers and judges on the matter Exclusive
Dead people and people abroad among the voters who would have cast their vote for Evghenia Guțul. Details on the searches in Gagauzia Important
A magistrate of the Chisinau Court proposes to conduct court hearings in digital mode for civil cases: “It can reduce costs and travel time” Justice
Preliminary results: the candidate of the “Shor” Party wins the elections for Bashkan of Gagauzia Important
PAS MP calls for hearing of Prosecutor General and Head of Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office after statements from the National Anti-Corruption Centre Justice
The National Anti-Corruption Centre’s report for 2022, presented in the plenary of the Parliament Important
Director of the National Anti-Corruption Centre on leaks to the press and the measures implemented to reduce this phenomenon Justice
Who are the lawyers representing the Government in the case concerning the verification of the constitutionality of the Shor party and what fees they receive from the state Important
The Superior Council of Magistracy rejects the request of the acting Prosecutor General to initiate a criminal prosecution, search and hold a judge criminally liable Justice
More than 20 raids in Balti organised by the National Anti-Corruption Centre on corruption cases Justice