Anti-Corruption Prosecutors: Sorin Stati’s accusations of illegal actions by acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu not confirmed

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) announced on Monday, August 29, that the order issued by prosecutor Nadejda Busuioc ordered the refusal to initiate criminal proceedings on the facts set out in the complaint of Sorin Stati, former director of the state-owned company MoldAtsa, on the alleged illegal actions of Acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu, “on the grounds that there is no fact of any offence provided for by the criminal law”.
According to the PA, prosecutor Nadejda Busuioc, appointed by the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) to decide on the complaint submitted by Sorin Stati, claims that the decision to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings was based on several arguments.
“The alleged reasonable suspicion regarding the commission of alleged acts of corruption or other alleged illegal actions by Acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu was based exclusively on the statements made by Sorin Stati, who was unable to provide any material evidence to confirm the allegations, as well as who personally declared that he was not present at the events reported as illegal, but in most cases reported to the public opinion the alleged criminal acts to which he was not a direct witness, but which were brought to his attention by sources of information within the law enforcement bodies with the purpose of being made public”, the PA notes.
At the same time, the prosecutor motivated her decision by invoking that, “during the investigation it was proved with certainty that the allegations of Sorin Stati regarding the alleged acts of corruption committed by Dumitru Robu, do not correspond to the truth, being totally refuted by the evidence legally administered in the present criminal proceedings”.
According to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the decision of the prosecutor appointed by the CSP, refusing to initiate criminal proceedings, may be appealed to the superior prosecutor within 15 days and subsequently to the investigating judge.