Anti-Corruption Prosecutors : A former general director of one of Moldova’s largest companies specialising in the production of industrial machinery and two other company directors brought to justice for abuse of office

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) announces on Friday, February 3, the completion of the criminal prosecution and referral to court for examination on the merits of the criminal case of a former general director of one of the largest companies specializing in the production of industrial machinery in Moldova and two other enterprise administrators, accused of committing an offence under Article 335 of the Criminal Code – abuse of office.
According to a press release of the PA, the criminal prosecution in this case was initiated on 13 April 2021, based on the complaint of the company’s shareholders, by the criminal prosecution body of the Ciocana Police Inspectorate of the Chisinau Municipality Police Department, and on 14 April 2021 forwarded to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office for further criminal prosecution.
In order to ensure the recovery of the damage, 4 apartments, 2 individual dwelling houses, 3 building plots, 3 agricultural plots, a garage, a storage room and 7 future real estate were seized.
“According to the materials of the criminal case, the former general director of the company, abusing his work situation and functional powers, which were his responsibility according to the statute of this company, together with two other company directors, one of whom is his close relative by affinity, during 2019 – 2020, improperly concluded several transactions, targeting the company’s assets,” the Prosecutor’s Office notes.
Thus, by the former general manager of the company and the persons who supported his criminal activity, whose names the PA did not disclose, material damage in the total amount of almost 10 million lei was caused to the company, which constitutes damage in particularly large proportions.
The criminal prosecution lasted from 13 April 2021 to 04 January 2023.
If found guilty of committing the named offence, the defendants face a penalty in the form of imprisonment of up to 3 years or a fine in the amount of 32 500 to 57 500 lei, in both cases with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to exercise a certain activity for a term of 2 to 5 years, and in the event of examination and admission of the civil action, including compensation for the damage caused by the offence.