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ANI announces court victory on unjustified wealth

The National Integrity Authority (ANI) announces on Tuesday, December 6, about winning the case at the Chisinau Court of Appeal in the administrative case whereby the act of finding of September 8, 2021 was maintained, which found a substantial difference between the wealth acquired and the income obtained by Stefan Panis, chairman of Floresti district.

“In the event of the finality of the said Act of Finding (after the Supreme Court of Justice has been exposed), the Authority will file a request for confiscation of the unjustified wealth in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 para. (5) of Law no. 132/2016 on the National Integrity Authority”, ANI representatives announced in a press release.

On September 8, 2021, ANI issued a finding on the name of Ștefan Paniș, president of the Florești district. He was found in violation of the legal regime of declaration of wealth and personal interests. The integrity inspector found that Panis had bought about 200 agricultural lands, the value of which, according to the sale-purchase contracts, ranged from 1000 lei to over 200 thousand lei. Thus, according to ANI, the President of the Floresti district was reasonably suspected of a manifest and substantial difference between the wealth acquired and the income earned, totalling about 2 million lei.

The control was initiated by ANI in June 2020, based on a complaint. The President of Floresti district, Stefan Panis, through his lawyer, had previously justified with documents only part of the wealth held.