An inmate in Taraclia prison has complained about prison conditions and that he was mistreated. Ministry of Justice: “Prison employees have been asked to show more professionalism and diligence”

An inmate of Taraclia Penitentiary No. 1 was allegedly ill-treated by another convict in order to withdraw his complaints against the prison psychologist. The Justice Ministry announced on Friday, August 11 that it had “investigated” the case, following the appearance of a video in the online environment.
Ministry officials say they visited Penitentiary No. 1 on Friday, where they spoke with the prisoner and the prison management.
“It was established that this case of mistreatment, which the prisoner believes to be organized by some prison officials, is being investigated in a criminal case, initiated by the Territorial Prosecutor’s Office.
Regarding the other issues raised, such as the frequency of visits by medical workers to the prison, the quality of drinking water and the way in which petitions are registered, the Ministry of Justice will instruct the National Prison Administration to take prompt action to resolve these problems. At the same time, prison employees have been asked to show more professionalism and diligence in their work,” according to a statement published by the Ministry of Justice.
In the video clip published by Crime Moldova, the man said he was allegedly hit several times while the cameras were watching, but prison staff did not intervene and the man who hit him was not punished. He also said that he had previously reported violations allegedly taking place in the prison several times.