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Alexandr Stoianoglo About The Bahamas Case, The Money Black Bag Recording, And The Security Protection From The State Guard And Protection Service

Twenty-four officers of the State Guard and Protection Service guard the General Attorney and his family 24 hours a day. Alexandr Stoianoglo stated on the TV8 Politica show that the Information and Security Service (ISS) informed him about being in danger. 

Stoianoglo said he needs personal security due to the files he manages. The General Attorney also commented on other cases involving state officials and politicians. In the case of the viral images of the oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc handing over a black plastic bag to President Igor Dodon, which the opposition assumes it had money in it, Stoianoglo dismissed to deliver a case investigation. If anyone disagrees with it, they can sue the Prosecutor’s Office.

“It is an attempt to get the prosecution institution into politics. Why did the images appear before the presidential elections? Everything is a setting. The Prosecutor’s Office does not accept as proof an unauthorized recording and will not get involved in it. Someone wants to be president and wants to eliminate other presidential candidates out of the race based on criminal cases,” declared Stoianoglo.

The General Attorney urges politicians not to use the prosecution institution as a political cudgel in their actions. “Half of the Prosecutor’s Office handles all kinds of requests from parliamentary deputies. The presidential elections are for the people, and the Prosecutor’s Office should not take care of one candidate’s case or another’s,” concluded Stoianoglo.

Alexandr Stoianoglo also commented on the Bahamas case. Some of the Socialist Party’s deputies contracted financial loans from the company “Exclusiv Media” (founded by the Socialist Party’s leader, Corneliu Furculiță), without indicating it in the declaration of assets. He says it is a classic money laundering case and not one about a party’s illegal financing, in this case, the Party of Socialists Moldova.

“I have done much more in the Bahamas case than anyone before. I have questioned 29 people, including three Parliament members, Corneliu Furculiță, Vladimir Odnostalco, and Vasile Bolea, and it is not about a party’s illegal financing. There are hundreds of such files on money coming from off-shores, and they are still open. We check if this is an incomplete statement if it is a violation of the law. We have enough information, and now we need an answer from Switzerland, then we will issue a decision on the case. This can take a month or a year.” said the General Prosecutor.

Alexandr Stoianoglo says he is an apolitical prosecutor and assures that no politician has dared to appeal to him since he took office. “It is unfortunate that all politicians see the Prosecutor’s Office as a political cudgel. I was a member of Parliament, I know what people do there, and I want everyone to take care of their duties,” said Stoianoglo. He disagrees that Dorin Damir, Plahotniuc’s godson, or Maxim Lebedinschi, a close friend of Igor Dodon, can influence the Prosecutor’s Office, as there are rumors about it.