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After Almost 10 Years, the Case Related to the 150,000 Euros Bribe for the Deputy Minister Position at the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure was Sent to Court

The case related to the bribe of 150,000 euros of a former deputy minister from the Greceanîi Government given to former activists of the Democratic Party for the Deputy Minister position in the Ministry of Transport and Road in the Filat Government was sent to the cour after almost 10 years.

Representatives of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office issued a press release on Wednesday, December 1, announcing the completion of the criminal case regarding one of the persons who claimed the amount of 150,000 euros to favor the appointment of Alexei Vîrlan as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure. Thus, Zahar Zanosiev’s case was sent to court.

”The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office informs about the termination of the criminal investigation regarding one of the persons, accused of influence peddling. During the months of November – December 2010, acting together and in agreement with another person, using his status within the Democratic Party, but also his close relations with people from the leadership of this political party, demanded from Vîrlan Alexei Filip money in very large proportions, amounting to 150,000 euros, claiming that he would influence the relevant people to order the appointment of Vîrlan Alexei Filip as Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure and in this regard, he received the first tranche in the amount of 50,000 euros,” it is mentioned in the institution’s note.

In this context, the prosecutors announced that in the management of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office there is another criminal case, regarding the accusation of another person, Vitalie Czine-Mocan. The pre-trial detention in absentia was applied against him, being announced wanted internationally.

ZdG previously wrote that in the confrontations between the former deputy minister, who addressed the Prosecutor’s Office to recover his money, and those to whom he gave the first tranche of 50,000 euros, intriguing details are found about promises and political negotiations for important functions.

In 2011, Alexei Vîrlan, who, in April-December 2008, had been Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure in the communist government led by Zinaida Greceanîi, addresses a complaint to the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, requesting an investigation into the actions of three people: Zahar Zanosiev, Vitalie Czine-Mocan, and Iurie Bolboceanu, then a member of the Moldovan Parliament from the Democratic Party of Moldova. Vîrlan complained that, in November 2010, in exchange for his appointment as Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure, they claimed 150,000 euros and that he gave them the first tranche of 50,000 euros.