Principală  —  Justice   —   Adrian Nichifor, sentenced to 17…

Adrian Nichifor, sentenced to 17 years in prison for murder, will also face charges of active corruption

The National Anti-Corruption Centre (CNA) and the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) announce on Thursday, September 22, the conclusion of the criminal prosecution in the active corruption case, in which Adrian Nichifor, sentenced to 17 years for murder, is accused. According to the CNA, the businessman from Nisporeni allegedly tried to buy his freedom a few months ago by bribing an employee of the National Administration of Penitentiaries. He allegedly offered the official 5,000 euros, but was reported to the CNA.

Thus, the CNA’s prosecution body and the prosecutors have completed the investigation in this case and prepared the indictment for submission to court.

“In the process of collecting evidence, several discussions between the convicted person and the whistleblower were documented, which attest to the attempt to bribe the official to give a positive solution for the amnesty commission on the convicted person’s behavior,” CNA notes.

The employee was allegedly asked to write in the act of finding the risk of recidivism that the man did not pose a major danger to society if he were released early. Although the specialist had already made a presentation to the committee, mentioning the increased risk of recidivism for the convicted man, he would intervene with a repeated request for the case to be re-examined.

On 20 June 2011, the Ciocana Court found Adrian Nichifor, born in 1974, guilty of aggravated hooliganism (Article 287(3) of the Criminal Code) and intentional homicide committed by means dangerous to the lives of several persons (Article 145(2)(m) of the Criminal Code), and sentenced him to 17 years in a closed prison.

By the same sentence, the criminal case against his nephew – Trofim Nichifor, then 21 years old, for committing an offence under Article 290(1) of the Criminal Code (carrying and keeping firearms, ammunition without authorisation, etc.) was dismissed.
(carrying and possession of firearms without the appropriate authorisation) was acquitted of criminal liability, and on another charge – aiding and abetting the offence (Article 323(1) of the Criminal Code) – he was acquitted on the ground that the defendant’s act did not meet the elements of the offence.

At the beginning of 2015, the Criminal College of the Chisinau Court of Appeal rejected the appeals of the defendant Adrian Nichifor and admitted the appeal filed by the prosecutors in the case of his nephew, Trofim Nichifor. Thus, the Chisinau Court of Appeal decided to uphold the sentence of the first instance in respect of the defendant Adrian Nichifor, by which he was sentenced to 17 years of imprisonment, and in respect of his nephew it pronounced a new decision, being found guilty on both counts and sentenced to a criminal fine in the amount of 900 conventional units.

Adrian Nichifor used uncensored words in April 2010 against brothers Iurie and Lilian Pîrlici on the grounds that they had parked their car next to his car. Subsequently, Adrian Nichifor asked his nephew, Trofim Nichifor, by telephone to bring him a bullet gun, from which he fired five shots from the bullet gun loaded with combat cartridges in the direction of Iurie Pârlici, as a result of which the victim died on the spot.