A Socialist Deputy Applied for the Judge Position at the Constitutional Court

The Socialist deputy Vasile Bolea submitted his candidacy for the position of judge at the Constitutional Court. In recent months, he has filed several complaints with the Constitutional Court, requesting decisions in his party’s favor.
The Socialist deputy Vasile Bolea submitted his candidacy for the position of judge at the Constitutional Court. Another 15 people, most of whom work in the field of justice, have applied for the vacant position of judge at the Constitutional Court. The position of judge at the Constitutional Court from the Superior Council of Magistracy remained vacant after the death of magistrate Eduard Ababii.
Two weeks ago, ZdG found out about the fact that Vasile Bolea was going to run for the position of judge at the Constitutional Court. Our sources informed us that Vasile Bolea is being promoted politically by the Socialist Party. Vasile Bolea is a lawyer at the Socialist Party, and in recent months he has filed several complaints with the Constitutional Court, requesting decisions in favor of the party he represents