A policeman, detained in flagrante delicto. He is suspected of demanding and receiving 1000 euros for a driving licence

A policeman from the Drochia Police Inspectorate was detained on Thursday, December 8, in flagrante delicto by officers of the Northern Territorial General Directorate of the National Anti-Corruption Center (CNA) and prosecutors of the Northern Office of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA). The policeman is suspected of having demanded and received 1,000 euros to help a person obtain a driving license more easily.
The suspect was detained for 72 hours and placed in solitary confinement.
According to the NAC, the policeman allegedly promised the person that he would have influence over some members of the examination commission for candidates for obtaining a driving licence at the Transport Registration and Driver Qualification Section of the Balti municipality of the Public Services Agency and that he could make them assess him with the qualification “passed” in the theoretical and practical tests.
“On the basis of the denunciation, a criminal prosecution for influence peddling was initiated, and today the policeman was detained in flagrante delicto while receiving the sum of 1,000 euros – money transferred under the control of the CNA and anti-corruption prosecutors from the North. The suspect was detained for 72 hours and placed in solitary confinement,” the NAC says.
Any person is presumed innocent until a final and irrevocable court decision is rendered.