A lorry with a trailer illegally brought into Moldova: “The value of the smuggled goods is over 680 thousand lei”

The General Inspectorate of Border Police (IGPF) announces that for three months, border guards from the SUD regional directorate in coordination with prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), South office, have documented the illegal actions of two nationals, who managed to smuggle a trailer truck into the country. The value of the smuggled goods is over 680 thousand lei.

The documented individuals are from Vulcanesti, aged 37 and 51 respectively.
“According to the information gathered, the compatriots illegally brought a Renault truck with trailer to Moldova and attached the registration numbers of another truck to use it.
Pending the conclusion of the investigation of the case, both the truck and the trailer have been impounded,” the Border Police announced.

If found guilty, the men risk deprivation of liberty for 4 to 10 years, according to Article 248, paragraph 7, letter “a” of the Criminal Code of Moldova, IGPF representatives also announce.
Until the final court decision, the persons concerned in the criminal case are presumed innocent.