• The chronicle of change – Second week

    The chronicle of change – Second week
    25 June 2019 | 12:57

    After a week of political deadlock, uncertainties generated by the legitimacy of the Sandu and Filip governments, protesters equipped with tents and paid to defend state institutions, and, most importantly, the gradual recognition of the parliamentary majority PSRM-ACUM Bloc and the Sandu Government by the international community, the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) gave up power through the resignation of the Filip Government.

    The event was succeeded by the decision of the Constitutional Court to cancel and revise the decisions adopted on June 7-9. Respectively, the Parliament and the Sandu Government became operational.

    After publishing the chronicle of events from June 7 to June 12, ZdG writes a retrospective of developments in the politics of the past week, when PDM ceded power.

    Wednesday, June 12th

    On June 12, internal and external reactions questioning the decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) and expressing concern about the situation in Moldova continue to come. Opinions in this regard are expressed by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), the co-rapporteurs for the monitoring of Moldova within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), as well as the two former presidents of the CC.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sandu Government, Nicu Popescu, recalls the Moldovan Ambassador to the United States, Cristina Balan to Chișinău. It happens after a PDM letter claims that the ACUM Bloc and PSRM were following Moscow’s instructions. The same letter was promoted in the US, including through Cristina Balan. The Ambassador ignored Popescu’s decision.

    On the same day, Igor Dodon and Andrei Nastase had separate meetings with US Ambassador to Moldova, Dereck J. Hogan. After that, the two politicians made restrained statements on the talks with Hogan, only mentioning that the internal political situation and the bilateral relations were discussed.

    The “protest” organized by PDM with people paid and equipped with tents continued in front of the Government and other state institutions.

    Thursday, June 13th

    The Government’s “urgent” decision to transfer the Moldovan  Embassy in Israel, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was criticized by Palestine and the Arab League.

    The Palestinian Foreign Minister said that “The decision is a flagrant violation of the international law, international legitimacy and of the UN resolutions” and that the Filip Government “takes advantage of the political uncertainty in his country to obtain support from the US and Israel”.

    The Arab League also qualified the decision as an open threat to the Palestinian people and called on the Government to change its position, as this could have a negative impact on the international system and on the relations with the Arab countries.

    In the context of uncertainties in society, the head of the EU delegation to Chișinău, Peter Michalko, approached by the Parliament, indirectly reconfirmed the EU’s recognition of the Sandu Government. “I am here to meet Mr. Nicu Popescu, who was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in the Government led by Maia Sandu”, Michalko said before the meeting.

    On Thursday, both leaders of the ACUM Bloc and the president launched appeals to supporters to come on Sunday, June 16, to a supportive rally for the new power.

    “The more we will be, the sooner the peaceful transmission of power will take place. (…) If you will not take this step, it can lead to destabilization” Dodon urged.

    On the other hand, Maia Sandu maintains her position stating: “the dictator has fallen” and “Plahotniuc has been defeated”.

    The former Moldovan presidents came with solutions to solve the political crisis. Mircea Snegur and Petru Lucinschi launched a joint statement on the political situation, expressing their support for Dodon’s actions and urging political actors to peacefully resolve the crisis.

    Former president Vladimir Voronin, the leader of the PCRM, has a different opinion, saying that the only solution to unlock the political situation is early elections. He also stresses that the Republic of Moldova must take into account international opinions and advice, but that the critical role lies with citizens.

    Vladimir Voronin, PCRM leader, former president of the Republic of Moldova:

    “You were all glad when you got rid of the Communists after the April 7th events. And now, after 10 years, where are we? For 10 years, Moldova has been under a “seismic earthquake”. We are left like those without a mother and without a father. In our country, the last elections did not take place on a fair principle. We never chose those who are the most worthy, capable and competent. The elections did not take place for people to live better, but for someone to occupy the most important functions in the state. Those who have more money buy poor people with 200 lei for one vote. This is why these incompetent people win. (…) Those who are now in power do not differ from their predecessors. From whose hand did they eat? Where did the socialists come from, who raised them all, from whose hand did they eat? Dodon can talk a lot now, like he is fighting against the mafia, but he should not forget from where he came from. The new Parliament will not differ from what has been so far. They will all share state positions, and only that will be left. An oligarchic mobster group after another. Except for that, nothing changes. The alliance between PSRM and ACUM will not do anything. Look at the members of PSRM, those who have worked with the Democrats all the time. Who is Ion Ceban, look at what he does. Read the KROLL report, about the Greceanîi family, how many millions of lei has come back to her and now she became the speaker of the Parliament”.

    On the same day, the Sandu Government gets even more support at international level. Norway said it shares the opinion of the EU on the political situation in Moldova, i.e. it is ready to work with the “legitimate Government” elected in Chișinău.

    Amélie de Montchalin, the Minister for European Affairs of France, announced that she had a discussion with Nicu Popescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sandu Government, on “the conditions that have to be met for the peaceful transition of power in Moldova and the protection of the rule of law”.

    Also on Thursday, in Paris, Popescu was invited to hold a “briefing on the situation in our country” in front of about 50 G7 diplomats (the group of seven highly industrialized countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States).

    Friday, June 14th

    Today marks a week of political crisis in Chisinau.

    The CC decisions are discussed in Lithuania. On June 14, the President of the CC of Lithuania, Dainius Zalimas, a lawyer, published a comment in which he doubts the correctness of the latest decisions taken by the CC of Moldova, regarding the dissolution of the Parliament and the declaration of the unconstitutionality of the new Government.

    Dainius Zalimas, Doctor of Laws, President of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania:

    “The CC of Moldova explains its decisions, which are at the center of the current constitutional crisis. However, some key issues are missing in these clarifications. Firstly, if the interpretation of the Constitution can be based on the Civil Code, because the latter is of inferior rank and may itself be the subject of constitutional review. Secondly, the 8 June decisions were adopted very quickly – within a few hours, it is not clear how the fairness, publicity and transparency of the judicial process was ensured, as well as the equality of both sides in the procedure. We look forward to answering these extremely important questions”.

    Also on Friday, several deputies from the first Moldovan Parliament issue a statement stating that the new Parliament and the Government are legal and legitimate, in line with constitutional provisions and international law. At the same time, former MPs described the CC’s latest decisions as illegal and falling into the definition of usurpation of power.

    Disagreement on the latest decisions of the CC, have been expressed on Friday by ten former magistrates, who said that the decisions had been taken in a hurry and with great deviations from the provisions of the Constitution and the constitutional jurisdiction, which would have led to the removal of the Parliament from the exercise of power and the establishment of a political instability, “with the attribution of the exercise of state power to persons other than those entrusted to citizens by a democratic election”.

    In the context in which the international community sent messages to the Republic of Moldova about overcoming the political crisis, PDM decides to express its position through a paid article, signed by Pavel Filip, published on Politico’s website, an American company of political journalism. Filip, who presents himself as the prime minister of the Republic of Moldova, states in his text that the ACUM Bloc accepted the conditions of Russia “to transport Moldova to the Kremlin”.

    On the same day, an address to the European institutions, signed by the majority of prosecutors from the Republic of Moldova, is being published, citing “persistent attempts by some politicians to change the law on prosecutors in an alert regime, so that our institution to be politically controlled”.

    The message came three days after the parliamentary majority of the PSRM and the ACUM Bloc voted for some changes to the Law on Prosecution, one of which stipulated that foreign prosecutors may be candidates for the post of general prosecutor. The statement was preceded by an anonymous message, distributed on social networks, announcing that several state accusers would not have wished to sign the statement.

    Scheduled initially at 15.00, the press conference in which the PDM was to announce the decision of the National Political Council (CNP) in the context of the political crisis, was postponed for more than two hours.

    Meanwhile, more information comes from sources claiming that the PDM has decided to cede power peacefully. During the PDM meeting, the US ambassador’s car was seen near the headquarters of the party.

    At 17.30, Vladimir Cebotari, Vice-President of the party joined press to announce the decision of the CNP. The PDM leader did not come.

    He says the PDM has decided to withdraw from the governance, “given the refusal of the PSRM and the ACUM Bloc to accept the invitation to dialogue for the legal settlement of the political crisis”. According to him, the Democrats were ready to provide legal solutions for the parties “to legally take power”.

    Vladimir Cebotari further states that, regardless of the subsequent solutions, “as long as the decisions of the CC are in force, the Government that will be installed will operate illegally” and “the officials will not be able to legally execute the decisions of such a Government and will be in a situation of legal risk“. According to him, in the end, there will be early elections, which would be the only legal form to resolve the political crisis.

    The PDM deputy also invoked that the Democrats remain open to the dialogue to find a legal solution: “we understand well the decisive role that PDM will have in the next period in politics“, the Democrat pointed out.

    Vladimir Cebotari, Vice-President of the PDM:

    Given the lack of openness to dialogue by parliamentary parties, but at the same time, in order to unblock the country’s crisis, the PDM decided to withdraw from the governance by resigning the Government. This is the only legal way that this can be done in this legal situation. Thus, the prime minister and all ministers will resign as of today. Our decision has a political effect, it will partially solve the blockage we are in, and it will be a clear signal that PDM will not keep the power at all costs. (…) The task of taking over the rule of law remains to be resolved by the PSRM-ACUM binome“.

    Shortly afterwards, accompanied by the ministers, Pavel Filip thanked the team and listed the projects and reforms he had made.

    Pavel Filip said that the budget he left includes money for the ongoing projects initiated by the Government and expressed the hope that these will be continued. Filip also said that he was leaving with the ”reconciled consciousness”, that he respected the oath of his appointment, and that he hoped that one day the citizens would be able to decide the fate of the Republic of Moldova, without the involvement from abroad.

    Pavel Filip, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova:

    “Today’s decision does not mean that we are putting our hands down or giving up. We will continue to work for Moldova, but in other positions. I thank my colleagues, those who were with me in complicated moments and trusted me. We still remain a strong team. I wish success to the next Prime Minister. This position comes with great responsibility. For the good of the people, I hope she will do better than I did. Thank you very much”.

    Immediately after the PDM’s withdrawal from the governance, the “demonstrators” that sat in front of the Government and other state institutions, gathered their tents and left.

    Shortly after PDM announced that it was withdrawing from governance, their “protesters” tightened their tents in front of the institutions.

    PDM decision was welcomed by Maia Sandu and Igor Dodon. The two have urged the CC to review its decisions from June 7-9.”This is the easiest and fastest way. This is it, Plahotniuc is gone, the Democratic Party is gone. They cannot scare you anymore. They cannot blackmail you anymore”, Igor Dodon said.

    Today’s decision of the PDM to go into opposition is natural, though delayed. There is no resignation of a Government that does not exist. The Filip Government has ceased to exist since June 8, 2019. Plahotniuc’s abusive actions, the blocking of state institutions, the blackmail and threatening of citizens, the use of paramilitary structures and the aggression against the media are actions that will not remain unpunished. After years of terror for the whole country, Plahotniuc and his entourage tried to destroy any trace of democracy, taking captive a country for 7 days, including its own party members for the security of one man, Plahotniuc. In a very short period of time, independent justice will apply the appropriate sanctions, according to the provision and the spirit of the law, for the citizen Plahotniuc, and those who have breached the legal provisions and who have subordinated to him directly. We hope PDM’s decision is honest and sincere and it is not a trap in which it reserves the time to prepare subversive actions“, Sandu said.

    In the evening, the press reported that more private planes would have taken off from Chisinau International Airport.

    It is said that Vlad Plahotniuc and Ilan Şor would have left Moldova. Subsequently, documented information came out saying that aboard a plane was Ilan Şor’s family and a few people close to him,but not Ilan Sor himself.

    In a night press release, PDM confirms Plahotniuc’s departure, but said it was just “a few days” to see his family.

    Saturday, June 15th

    One of the first messages to welcome the withdrawal of PDM from the governance in favour of Prime Minister Maia Sandu came from the US.

    “We hope that both the new coalition and the former government have decided to peacefully transfer power, reflecting the people’s desire. We will continue to monitor the situation in the Republic of Moldova and we continue to work with the entire people of the Republic of Moldova to build a more prosperous and democratic future”, the US State Department press release said.

    The day after the Democrats passed to the opposition, the Sandu government members had access to the Executive Building for the first time and the Prime Minister announced that the “march of the people” planned for Sunday is postponed.

    Meanwhile, at the Chisinau City Hall the socialist councilors demanded the resignation of mayor Ruslan Codreanu and of the deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu and at the General Inspectorate of Police, the deputy of the institution, Gheorghe Cavcaliuc, announced that he had applied for resignation and that he intends to get involved in politics.

    Soon the events on the political scene are complemented by a new announcement: the CC has decided, ex officio, to revise and cancel the decisions taken between 7th and 9th of June.

    In other words, the Parliament led by Zinaida Greceanîi is constitutionally recognized, and the acts adopted by the Government of Maia Sandu are revived. However, the reasoned text of the judgment was not published, the CC representatives announcing that this would happen later.

    Communiqué of the CC of June 15

    Today, June 15, 2019, CC judges decided, ex officio, to revise their acts pronounced on 7-9 June 2019. As a result of the review, the CC Decision no. 83 of 7 June 2019, Decision no. 13 of 8 June 2019, Decision no. 14 of 8 June 2019, Decision no. 15 of 8 June 2019, Opinion CC no. 1 of June 9, 2019 and the Opinion of CC no. 2 of 9 June 2019 have been cancelled.

    The factual situation in the Republic of Moldova, in particular the announcement of the transfer of power to the Government of Prime Minister Maia Sandu and of the coalition formed in the Moldovan Parliament, was the basis for the cancellation.

    The decision of the Court of 15 June 2019 is intended to be a source of social peace, the maintenance of the rule of law, democracy, and the guarantee of an adequate framework for the protection of human rights by combating a far-reaching political instability.

    By the annulment of the Court’s acts from 7-9 June, the Parliament led by Mrs. Zinaida Greceanîi acquires, ope constitutionis, the status of Constitutional Parliament, being revived the normative acts adopted by Parliament so far, as well as the acts adopted by the Government of Moldova led by Maia Sandu.

    “The political and constitutional crisis has been overcome. With God’s help!, was the reaction of the country’s president after the CC quashed its decisions, while Prime Minister Maia Sandu asked the Court judges to submit their resignations immediately “if they still have a little honor and respect for Constitution of Republic of Moldova and citizens of this country”.

    The day ended with the announcement of the leader of party “Our Party”(PN), Renato Usatîi, about returning to the Republic of Moldova the following day: “What happend, happened and the regime has fallen. I’m coming to clarify all the criminal files. I am able to prove my innocence”.

    Sunday, June 16th

    Congratulations to the Sandu Government and encouraging messages came from Romania, the Russian Federation and the EU.

    “On the responsibility, determination and the workforce of the Government that you are leading will be based the prosperity, stability and security of the Republic of Moldova”, writes to Maia Sandu the prime minister from Bucharest, Viorica Dăncilă.

    “We expect the new Government in Chisinau to take constructive measures to promote Russian-Moldovan cooperation in different fields. Moscow is ready for this”, the Russian Foreign Ministry press release said.

    On Sunday, the newspaper Ziarul de Garda received a message from a prosecutor who preferred to remain anonymous. He states that state accusers have been forced to sign the public statement addressed to several European institutions claiming “politicians’ attempts to modify the Law on the Prosecutor’s Office”.

    “(…) Even prosecutors who were on leave or engaged in other activities were called. Much of them had the intention not to sign this statement, but they were intimidated and veiled warned that the former regime is still in power, and the current ruling coalition would be illegitimate. However, the signed declaration does not represent an honest manifest of the Prosecutor’s Office in order to remove the institution from the influence of politics, but is a statement signed for the support of General Prosecutor Eduard Harunjen, who feels threatened by the present power and wishes to remain in the position in which he was appointed illegal (…) “, the prosecutor’s message says.

    Asked by ZdG, Alexandru Cladco, the president of the Prosecutors’ Association, however, mentioned that no one was forced to sign such a statement.

    Renato Usatii has arrived in Moldova coming from Romania, where he has fled in recent months.

    In the afternoon of Sunday, as soon as he crossed the Sculeni customs, PN leader Renato Usatîi was detained and escorted to the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS), where there is a criminal case on him.

    After several hours of hearing, Usatīi was released by prosecutors, who gave up an arrest warrant in his name, and he would be present voluntarily whenever he will be summoned by prosecutors.

    The prosecutors’ decision was considered “strange” by the prime minister and the country’s president.

    Monday, June 17th

    The week begins with the first message of Vlad Plahotniuc after PDM withdrew from the Government. The leader of the Democrats announces that he is not in the country and that he no longer feels safe in Moldova. At the same time, he states that in the context of the last events he thought to withdraw from politics, but he gave up this idea in order not to “disappoint the people who put their hope” in him.

    Vladimir Plahotniuc, PDM chairman, deputy:

    My children are scared, my family is scared and does not feel safe anywhere. My family needs more than ever to be there, and I will sit as much as necessary to get well over these moments and to feel safe. (…) I thought I should take responsibility and withdraw from politics. But that would mean doing something in a hurry, disappointing people who have put hope in me. If I were to withdraw now, the PDM faction could become vulnerable and the deputies would be pressured to go to a certain party that would make its own parliamentary majority and take over Moldova. In view of all these aspects, I decided to stay with the team, to strengthen and protect it, even from a distance, during the period I will absent”.

    There are also voices that say that Plahotniuc did not leave the territory of Moldova. The Interior Minister Andrei Năstase said there is no official information about Plahotniuc crossing the border. He also requested information from the Ukrainian authorities, assuming that Plahotniuc had left the country through the Transnistrian region. At that time, Năstase addressed the General Prosecutor’s Office requesting the investigation of CC judges and Vlad Plahotniuc by lifting his immunity.

    During the day, a response to Plahotniuc’s message came via his lawyers, from former Prime Minister Vlad Filat, sentenced to nine years in prison for passive corruption and trafficking.

    Vlad Filat, ex-premier:

    “About me it has been discussed and there is still much talk, but when it was proposed to me to flee because the Republic of Moldova is not a safe place, to take care of my family, I decided to stay and prove my innocence. But I had a public execution in closed court hearings. I do not regret the decision made 3 years and 8 months ago. Although I am imprisoned, my soul is free and I have pure consciousness. You chose to flee! You’re a coward! But, you have to know that you can escape from anyone and everything, however you will not succeed to escape from yourself. After all, they all we answer for what we have done. Honestly, I’m sorry for you, but Life beats the movie! (even “The Godfather”).

    Also on Monday, the new ministers were formally presented by Maia Sandu to the teams of the ministries.

    Andrei Năstase, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs: “Moldova’s streets will be released by brides and persons who violate the laws of this country, and the border smuggling will be under continuous siege. In particular, Moldova will change in depth, and illegal activities will be annihilated, and we will develop, in parallel, public projects to prevent them”.

    Vadim Brînzan, Minister of Economy and Infrastructure: “Zero tolerance for corruption, both for open and indirect ones. I assure you that this time you have something absolutely new. Professionalism is encouraged, not wedding and christening godparents or nephews. Team spirit and reverse link are encouraged. The ethics of work that says: or you do the right thing, or you do not do it at all. All those who are ready to accept these things we have talked about, are encouraged to form a team and meditate together to solve the problems. 

    Natalia Gavrilita, Minister of Finance: ”Our first objective is to bring all the state institutions into a normality, so that public institutions operate for the benefit of society. It’s hard to trust when people say the same thing. By facts I have demonstrated, both the Prime Minister and myself, that we are doing what we say”.

    Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei, Minister of Education, Culture and Research: “I have all the confidence that we will be able to promote correct policies. We need to make sure that there is transparency and fairness in all areas. All methods of abuse, harassment, intimidation must cease. At school no one should dare to put pressure on the teacher”.

    Ala Nemerenco, Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection: “Of course, on my agenda, the medical staff is the number one, for which you know that we lose, we lose it hard. We passed the maximum peak that I could not afford as a sanitary system. At the same time, the social assistant and all the staff working in the field of social protection stands with us”.

    Georgeta Mincu, Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment: “Together, we need to streamline all processes, especially administrative and business processes, to ease the lives of entrepreneurs and those who protect the environment, make life in villages easier and with more services. We have good legislation, but its implementation lacks”.

    Composition of the new Government:

    • Maia Sandu, Prime Minister
    • Andrei Năstase, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs
    • Vasile Şova, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration
    • Vadim Brînzan, Minister of Economy and Infrastructure
    • Natalia Gavriliţa, Minister of Finance
    • Stanislav Pavlovschi, Minister of Justice
    • Nicolae Popescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
    • Pavel Voicu, Minister of Defense
    • Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei, Minister of Education, Culture and Research
    • Ala Nemerenco, Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection
    • Georgeta Mincu, Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment
    • Irina Vlah, Governor (Bashkan) of the ATU Gagauzia (Gagauz-Yeri)

    Maia Sandu announces the creation of an Anti-Corruption Policy and Justice Reform Office next to the Prime Minister’s cabinet, as well as launching a telephone number where citizens can provide evidence of “abuses by the Plahotniuc regime.”

    At the same time, it said it would send a request to Kroll to get a copy of its second report on the investigation of theft of the billion.

    The new Government, which advocates promoting people on meritocracy, has been accused of admitting potential conflicts of interest by the fact that Interior Minister Andrei Năstase has named his christening godfather, former judge Gheorghe Balan, as Chief-interim of Staff of the General Police Inspectorate (IGP), and the Foreign Minister, Nicolae Popescu, named his wedding godfather, civic activist and former ambassador Andrei Popov, head of cabinet.

    Contacted, Gheorghe Balan admitted that he is the christening godfather of Andrei Năstase, but refused to speak on the subject, while the new Interior Minister did not answer the phone. Earlier, Năstase told journalists that “his affinity with Mr. Balan had nothing to do with his appointment as interim Chief of IGP“, but also that a competition for this position will be announced in the coming time.

    In his turn, Andrei Popov announced that he accepted to be part of the new minister’s team in a crisis situation, that he was not appointed to the position because he is the godfather of Popescu, but because he has the necessary experience. At the same time, however, with the full entry into office of the Sandu Government, Popescu says, Popov will no longer be part of the cabinet of the Foreign Minister.

    Also on Monday, the president of the PDM faction, Pavel Filip, declares that the Democrats return to the Parliament, but they will be in opposition, and Cristina Balan announces her resignation as Moldovan Ambassador to Washington.

    The six police officers of Division 6 of the National Investigation Inspectorate, who were suspended from office after announcing their support for the Sandu Government prior to the Filip Government’s resignation, were reinstated by decision of the new Chief of the IGP, Gheorghe Balan.

    The day ends with a message from Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy:

    “The EU will continue to closely follow the political developments in the Republic of Moldova and fulfill the reform agenda needed to unlock the 100 million euro macro-financial assistance. We have watched the latest events and encouraged a peaceful and democratic transition. It is clear, and it has always been clear to us, what needs to be done for the EU to support Moldova financially. This is the implementation of the Association Agreement. These reforms need to be done not only because the EU asks them, but also because Moldovan citizens want to see them implemented”.

    Tuesday, June 18th

    Parliament sitting is taking place. At it, for the first time since the formation of the majority PSRM – ACUM, the MPs of the PDM also participate, but not Plahotniuc, Candu or the MPs from the Party of Șor.

    MPs of the PSRM-Bloc ACUM vote for several draft laws, including the date of the general local elections: 20 October 2019.

    MEPs vote in favor of a bill that states that the State Protection and Guard Service will be subordinated to President Dodon, the abolition of the Citizenship by Investment Act, but also another project stipulating that the Head of the SIS will be named by Parliament at the proposal of the President of the country. The legislators also constitutes an inquiry commission “to elucidate the factual and legal circumstances regarding the attempt of the anti-constitutional coup of PDM made through CC and PG”, but also another committee that will analyze the way of organizing and unfolding privatizations of public property starting with 2013. Lidia Chireoglo, who is Deputy Director, is voted as interim chief of the CNA. At the same time, Monica Babuc (PDM) is voted as Vice-President of Parliament.

    The parliamentary majority also approved the modification of an article in the Electoral Code which allows the dismissal of the members of the Central Electoral Commission without the need for a court decision on possible violations committed by them.

    Later, program director Pomo-LEX, Pavel Postica, criticized the changes voted by Parliament, claiming that they offer the Legislature the right to interpret the decisions and the work of the CEC members according to their own good.

    By means of a prease release issued by the Federal Government, German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Maia Sandu for the post of Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.

    Ms. Maia Sandu,

    I congratulate you on your choice. Courage, energy and personal resistance have contributed to the peaceful settlement of the constitutional crisis.

    Your country is now facing major political and economic challenges. The German Government will be glad to support you in your aspirations to pursue pro-European, democratic and forward-looking reforms.

    I would be glad to have the opportunity to receive you in the near future in Berlin. I wish you good luck and success in the tasks that await you”, says the release.

    Also Tuesday, ZdG publishes a letter signed by 20 anti-corruption prosecutors. They come with the accusations addressed to the PG for the “faulty administration of the situation” created within the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, in the case of the resignation of Viorel Morari.

    Eduard Harunjen and Viorel Morari. In the past week, misunderstandings in the General Prosecutor’s Office have increased.

    “We note with regret that the decision-makers in the PG are more interested in the political situation in the country than in the crises they face their own. At least that is how the PG initiated a very operational signing of a declaration on the independence of the Prosecutor’s Office in the context of social political events in the country, but could not manage or adequately inform the public about the circumstances of the dismissal of the chief prosecutor of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, being a total enigma its involvement or non-involvement in any illegal actions, “accused prosecutors.

    On the same day, Viorel Morari goes out to the press and talks about the reasons for his resignation and claims that he was hired by SIS employees and CNA in the last days of his anti-corruption job.

    Also on Tuesday, some representatives of civil society are initiating a petition demanding General Prosecutor Eduard Harunjen to leave office.

    “We consider this manifestation to be an expression of opinions, guaranteed to any Moldovan citizen,” the PG responds.

    The Law on Prosecution provides a complicated process of dismissal of the Prosecutor General. It can not be revoked by the Parliament and can be kicked out only as a result of disciplinary sanction of dismissal, enrollment in a political party, or if he is declared medically inappropriate.

    Maia Sandu met with media representatives and talked to them about the issues of journalists.

    Wednesday, June 19th

    The situation became clearer. PSRM organized the Republican Political Council, and Igor Dodon, the informal PSRM leader, announced that “we are ready to support the Government of Maia Sandu. It is the firm position of PSRM. We will secure the vote of the PSRM faction in the Moldovan Parliament to implement the reforms that the Government of Sandu will promote. We will do our best to keep this parliamentary majority as long as it is desirable throughout the mandate. “

    Also on Wednesday, Sandu announces that the head of the Public Property Agency, Vladimir Baldovici, will be dismissed at the next session of the Government.

    On the same day, it is reported that Ilan Şor, MP and president of the “Șor” Party, would have left Moldova and would have been sheltered in Israel, the country in which he was born. Party representatives refuse to announce its location. At the same time, the information that the Şor family had sold the duty-free shops at the Moldovan border was also revealed.

    AUTHOR MAIL sandulacki@mail.md


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    Roskomnadzor Orders ZdG to Delete an Article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and Asked Internet Operators to Block ZdG’s Website

    Roskomnadzor (Federal Communications, Information Technology, and Media Surveillance Service) ordered Ziarul de Gardă to delete an article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and asked Internet operators to blo…
    Roskomnadzor Orders ZdG to Delete an Article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and Asked Internet Operators to Block ZdG’s Website

    TOP: Five ZdG Investigations from 2021 that Led to Opening Criminal Cases

    Several articles published by ZdG during 2021 have had an impact and led to opening criminal cases or sanctions. The investigation ”Concrete Instead of Trees in a Chișinău Forest” brought to the public’s…
    TOP: Five ZdG Investigations from 2021 that Led to Opening Criminal Cases

    INVESTIGATION: The Army from which Recruits Flee

    “I left the unit out of fear. I joined the army to do military service and not to let someone mock me. (…) The superiors reacted aggressively. I learnt nothing from the military service: I made repa…
    INVESTIGATION: The Army from which Recruits Flee

    ZdG Interview with Maia Sandu, President of Moldova

    “Fighting corruption is a very important process that we engage to complete; the country’s strategy, however, must focus on education.” A year after the inauguration of Maia Sandu as President…
    ZdG Interview with Maia Sandu, President of Moldova

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