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Moldovan-Romanian operation: law enforcement officers raided several customs posts on both sides of the border.

Officers of the Internal Protection and Anti-Corruption Service (SPIA) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), together with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, as part of an international operation initiated with the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) and the General Anti-Corruption Directorate (DGA) of the Romanian MAI, simultaneously raided and searched several customs posts on both sides of the border, the SPIA announced in a press release.

“The prosecution actions are carried out in the framework of a criminal case concerning suspicions of corruption offences in connection with the transit of border crossing points. The joint investigations have been carried out for more than a year, and employees of the Customs Service and the General Inspectorate of Border Police have been documented,” SPIA representatives said.

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