Interim Head of PCCOCS, Sergiu Russu, appointed Chief Prosecutor of a Section within the General Prosecutor’s Office

The Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) approved on Friday, December 16, the appointment of the interim head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), Sergiu Russu, as chief prosecutor of the Anti-Trafficking in Human Beings Section of the General Prosecutor’s Office.
According to the CSP, the competition to fill the vacancy was announced in July 2022. Sergiu Russu has served as chief prosecutor in the PCCOCS since October, 2021.
He was also appointed in 2017 to the same position – chief prosecutor of the Anti-Trafficking in Human Beings Section of the Prosecution and Forensic Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office, for a five-year term.
In August 2009, Russu was appointed deputy prosecutor in the Dubasari Prosecutor’s Office, and in April 2015 – chief prosecutor in the same prosecutor’s office.
According to the statement of assets and personal interests for 2021, Sergiu Russu collected from the Prosecutor General’s Office a gross annual salary of about 363 thousand lei, or about 30 thousand lei.