• Investigations
    Billion-dollar Bank Fraud Testimonies: “Every Month He Gave Me $100 To Be Always Available on the Phone.”

    Billion-dollar Bank Fraud Testimonies: “Every Month He Gave Me $100 To Be Always Available on the Phone.”

    Three managers of the companies investigated in the billion-dollar bank fraud case made statements for the first time about their involvement. They revealed the way the companies obtained millions of dollars un…
    29 December 2020
    The Bohemian Presidency: How the Presidential Administration Spent over €3 Million in the Last Two Years

    The Bohemian Presidency: How the Presidential Administration Spent over €3 Million in the Last Two Years

    The maintenance expenses of the Moldovan presidency administration have increased more than twice in the last four years. When Igor Dodon was elected head of state in 2016, the maintenance of the building plus…
    18 December 2020
    STUDY: What Do Judges, Lawyers, and Prosecutors Think about the Justice System Reform Since 2011?

    STUDY: What Do Judges, Lawyers, and Prosecutors Think about the Justice System Reform Since 2011?

    The Justice System Reform in Moldova started in 2011. According to a survey, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers view the justice quality and the reformative impact the same as five years ago, although opinions di…
    17 December 2020
    The Major Cases Lost by Moldova at the ECtHR

    The Major Cases Lost by Moldova at the ECtHR

    The right to a fair trial, the prohibition of torture, the right to liberty and security are just some of the most often violated rights in Moldova, according to a summary of the Center for Legal Resources in M…
    12 December 2020
    Corruption in 2020: Pronounced Sentences or Releases and Lack of Punishments

    Corruption in 2020: Pronounced Sentences or Releases and Lack of Punishments

    In 2020, no high-ranking Moldovan officials have been sentenced for corruption. On the contrary, judges delay significant cases or release investigated suspects. Justice Courts defer high-profile cases for year…
    10 December 2020
    How Bank Fraud Cases Have Evolved in the Last Year

    How Bank Fraud Cases Have Evolved in the Last Year

    Six years after the banking system robbery, the Moldovan judiciary has not yet punished the billion-dollar thefts. While the law requires citizens to cover the financial hole in the state budget, the main perpe…
    04 December 2020
    Future President’s Adviser with Past Problems With Judiciary

    Future President’s Adviser with Past Problems With Judiciary

    Last Monday, newly-elected President Maia Sandu announced at a media conference that the former Minister of Finance during 2009 – 2013,  will become an economic adviser in the new presidential admini…
    03 December 2020
    How the Justice Reform Is Implemented In Moldova: Court Buildings To Put The Employees’ Lives in Danger

    How the Justice Reform Is Implemented In Moldova: Court Buildings To Put The Employees’ Lives in Danger

    A court building in the Cahul district, southern Moldova, is close to collapse and puts the court employees’ lives in danger. A magistrate from that court, Ion Cotea, describes the situation: “It’s…
    26 November 2020
    The Poorest State In Europe Lost Millions By an ECtHR Decision

    The Poorest State In Europe Lost Millions By an ECtHR Decision

    In February 2020, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in the Gemini shopping center case, obliging the Moldovan State to pay a 1,5 million euros compensation for material damage. The Moldovan author…
    26 November 2020
    A Lesson From Igor Dodon: Frauding Elections And Losing the Presidential Race

    A Lesson From Igor Dodon: Frauding Elections And Losing the Presidential Race

    Several voters from the breakaway Transnistria region admit that they received 200 Transnistrian rubles, the equivalent of about eight euros, to vote for Igor Dodon as president.  “We were the first at the po…
    20 November 2020


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