• Foreign Affairs
    Presidential Elections in Moldova: EU States’ Message to the Moldovan authorities

    Presidential Elections in Moldova: EU States’ Message to the Moldovan authorities

    Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden emphasized the imp…
    30 September 2020
    Moldovan Police Department Supports the ODIHR Mission for the Upcoming Presidential Elections

    Moldovan Police Department Supports the ODIHR Mission for the Upcoming Presidential Elections

    The General Inspectorate of Police (GIP), Moldova announced in a press release that the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) had opened an Election Observation Mission, which will en…
    30 September 2020
    Moldova’s Agreement With the IMF is at a Standstill. What is the Position of the Minister of Finances?

    Moldova’s Agreement With the IMF is at a Standstill. What is the Position of the Minister of Finances?

    The agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Chisinau authorities on a three years’ credit line of $558 million for Moldova was not on the Board’s list of the meeting last week. In this contex…
    29 September 2020
    The Royal Court in Northampton, the UK, Found Two Moldovan Citizens Guilty of Rape and Sexual Assault

    The Royal Court in Northampton, the UK, Found Two Moldovan Citizens Guilty of Rape and Sexual Assault

    Two Moldovans living in the UK, in the city of Northampton, are guilty of kidnapping, rape, and sexual assault, in three separate incidents at the end of last year, announces Northampton Police. Two Moldovans l…
    28 September 2020
    European Parliament: What Does the Evaluation Report on the EU-Moldova Association Agreement Implementation Cover

    European Parliament: What Does the Evaluation Report on the EU-Moldova Association Agreement Implementation Cover

    Members of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee are concerned about the slow evolution of the rule of law and the fight against corruption in Moldova, which suffers from acute political ins…
    25 September 2020
    Korea’s Government Donated 150 Computers to Moldovan Public Schools

    Korea’s Government Donated 150 Computers to Moldovan Public Schools

    According to a Moldovan Government’s decision, public schools with low standards of information and communication technologies in computer classes will receive 150 new computers.  The Government Special Office…
    24 September 2020
    Moldova’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Appointed Its Secretary of State

    Moldova’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Appointed Its Secretary of State

    On Wednesday, the Ministers’ Cabinet approved Daniela Cujbă as Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI). The head of the MFAEI, Oleg Țulea, stated that “the p…
    23 September 2020
    Socialists Party of Moldova About the MEPs’ Official Note on Irregularities in the Presidential Elections

    Socialists Party of Moldova About the MEPs’ Official Note on Irregularities in the Presidential Elections

    Representatives of the Socialists Party of Moldova (PSRM) issued a press release this Tuesday, regarding the statements of the President of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Moldova Committee, Siegfr…
    22 September 2020
    EU Support: Moldovan Police Department Received 52 New Cars

    EU Support: Moldovan Police Department Received 52 New Cars

    52 Dacia Duster cars purchased with help from the EU Finance Agreement were sent to Moldova, to improve police capacity in responding to citizens’ emergency calls. The vehicles’ purchase comes from the Bu…
    22 September 2020
    MEPs Declare Irregularities in the Presidential Electoral Process of Moldova

    MEPs Declare Irregularities in the Presidential Electoral Process of Moldova

    The President of the European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Moldova Committee, Siegfried Mureșan, together with the President of the European Parliament Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, Andr…
    22 September 2020


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