Intelligence and Security Service: “A new Russian offensive towards Moldova could take place in 2023” Justice
Moscow, reaction after the suspension of broadcasting licenses for six TV stations in Moldova: Millions of Russian-speaking residents deprived of news content Foreign Affairs
PM Gavrilița on the suspension of broadcasting licenses for six TV stations: “The decision aims to secure the information space in the country, to eliminate manipulation and propaganda” Justice
Chisinau will sue the Russian Gazprom concern for non-performance of the contract. Spînu: “We will also ask for collateral damages” Justice
Alleged illegal actions of the acting Prosecutor General arising from the so-called leaked correspondence to be examined by a prosecutor Important
Lawyers of fugitive MP Ilan Shor fined by magistrates of the Chisinau Court of Appeal for “deliberately delaying court hearings”. A public defender has been appointed Justice
Interim Head of PCCOCS, Sergiu Russu, appointed Chief Prosecutor of a Section within the General Prosecutor’s Office Justice
Two more candidates for the Superior Council of Magistracy, heard by the Pre-Vetting Commission Justice
Reaction of Public Services Agency after law enforcement officers conducted raids in a scheme of illegal land acquisition belonging to Chisinau City Hall Justice
Two men from Ukraine, an official of the Migration and Asylum Office and his accomplice, investigated for facilitating the illegal entry of Ukrainians into Moldova and forging their legal stay Justice
The ‘Alunelul’ case, opened on the death of a two-year-old – in the final stages of prosecution Justice
Two Moldovan men sentenced to 12 and 13 years’ imprisonment for stealing several paintings from a museum in Italy Justice
Date set for the first court hearing in the case of the man who wrote on the gate of the Russian Embassy in Chisinau “Putin – murderer” Justice
The enemies of corruption, gathered at the launching of the „Corruption and War” exhibition organised by ZdG Exclusive
”When I climb, I feel freedom and I feel special” – Interview with Vladislav Zotea, a Mountain Climber from Moldova, who Lives in the USA About Moldova
Roskomnadzor Orders ZdG to Delete an Article about Russia’s war on Ukraine and Asked Internet Operators to Block ZdG’s Website About Moldova
OPINION POLL: A Year with Maia Sandu: “I think she has to put Shor, Plahotniuc, Platon in prison and take all their fortunes and give them to the people.” About Moldova
A New Criminal Case Opened on the Controversial Businessman, Veaceslav Platon: A 350,000 Euros Tax Evasion About Moldova
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Proposes for the year 2022, the Average Monthly Salary of 490 Euros. For 2021, the Average Monthly Salary was 430 Euros About Moldova
The EU Supports the Economic Growth of Seven Localities in Moldova through Financial Assistance of 2.6 Million Euros About Moldova