• Justice
    Parliamentary Committee Comes with Updates on Its Report of the Laundromat Scheme

    Parliamentary Committee Comes with Updates on Its Report of the Laundromat Scheme

    The report of the parliamentary Commission for elucidating all the conditions that led to the money laundering of high proportions through judges and financial-banking institutions in Moldova is 99 percent read…
    26 May 2021
    Money Confiscated from the Former Prime Minister’s Son will Go towards Caring for People with Severe Disabilities

    Money Confiscated from the Former Prime Minister’s Son will Go towards Caring for People with Severe Disabilities

    The money confiscated from Luca Filat, the son of former Prime Minister Vlad Filat, will go towards caring for people with severe disabilities, President Maia Sandu announced after a meeting with the British Mi…
    12 May 2021
    The Socialists Accuse the Constitutional Court of Usurpation of Power and Demand Judges’ Resignation

    The Socialists Accuse the Constitutional Court of Usurpation of Power and Demand Judges’ Resignation

    The Socialists accused the judges of the Constitutional Court of usurpation of power and demand their resignation. The Socialists’ announcement comes after on Thursday, April 15, the Constitutional Court decide…
    16 April 2021
    More than 1.6 Million Euros Seized and Transferred to the State Budget

    More than 1.6 Million Euros Seized and Transferred to the State Budget

    The Prosecutor’s Office announced that the truck driver, who in April 2020 was stopped at the Moldovan border while transporting undeclared 1.6 million euros, was sentenced to three years in semi-opened p…
    16 April 2021
    The Russian Laundromat Case Was Sent to the Court

    The Russian Laundromat Case Was Sent to the Court

    The General Prosecutor’s Office in Moscow has sent to the court a criminal case on the withdrawal from Russia to the Moldovan bank Moldindconbank more than 126 billion rubles. This was reported to journal…
    13 April 2021
    The Soviet Gatekeeper of Moldova’s Borders

    The Soviet Gatekeeper of Moldova’s Borders

    On April 3, 2021, a dangerous crime took place in Chișinău’s streets. In the midday, a citizen was kidnaped and taken in an unknown direction. Coincidentally, I was on that street at the time (I was looking for…
    12 April 2021
    April 7, 2009 – Moldova’s Shame at the European Court for Human Rights

    April 7, 2009 – Moldova’s Shame at the European Court for Human Rights

    Moldova has so far paid almost 345,000 euros for the inaction of law enforcement bodies following the events of April 7 and 8, 2009, after young people abused and tried in police stations found justice at the E…
    12 April 2021
    A New Case of Influence-peddling on a Judge Previously Caught Red-handed with Bribery

    A New Case of Influence-peddling on a Judge Previously Caught Red-handed with Bribery

    Maria Tertea, the judge detained red-handed with bribery a few weeks ago, was accused in another criminal case for influence peddling. Maria Tertea was claiming that she has influence over prosecutors, and alle…
    08 April 2021
    The Judge Famous for a 150,000 Dollars Bribe Was Kidnaped

    The Judge Famous for a 150,000 Dollars Bribe Was Kidnaped

    A Ukrainian judge famous for a 150,000 dollars bribe that he hid in a jar in his garden was kidnaped by an armed group. The Socialists accuse the Intelligence and Security Service of involvement. The Ministry o…
    05 April 2021
    Raider Attacks Resumed

    Raider Attacks Resumed

    Accusations of raider attacks were resumed in Moldova. On March 26, the businessman Vladimir Russu, who came to public attention after he sold the famous “White House” located in Chișinău to Iurie L…
    05 April 2021


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