• Justice
    Searches, suspects and discoveries in criminal case aimed at “preparing mass riots”

    Searches, suspects and discoveries in criminal case aimed at “preparing mass riots”

    The Inspectorate General of Police (IGP) announced on Friday morning, November 4, that employees of the IGP’s National Investigation Inspectorate (INI), together with prosecutors from the Office of the Pr…
    07 November 2022
    Why don’t the laws work? Today we arrest them, tomorrow we let them go, arrest them again and let them go again?

    Why don’t the laws work? Today we arrest them, tomorrow we let them go, arrest them again and let them go again?

    The US Treasury on October 26 imposed tough sanctions against 21 individuals and entities involved in corruption, which “caused serious harm to Moldova and its citizens”. Topping the list in the Tre…
    07 November 2022
    Magistrates of Ciocana District Court examine the 7 requests of prosecutors to apply preventive measures against persons detained following the raids at the “Shor” Party headquarters

    Magistrates of Ciocana District Court examine the 7 requests of prosecutors to apply preventive measures against persons detained following the raids at the “Shor” Party headquarters

    Magistrates of the Chisinau Ciocana Court are examining on Saturday, November 5, the seven applications submitted by anti-corruption prosecutors regarding the application of preventive measures against persons…
    07 November 2022
    Rubles for Dodon: Six bank transfers from Russia to Moldovan public association headed by former socialist president – RISE Moldova

    Rubles for Dodon: Six bank transfers from Russia to Moldovan public association headed by former socialist president – RISE Moldova

    As head of state, Igor Dodon and his party have built some of their election campaigns on theories that Moldova is in danger of being captured by foreigners. At the same time, they insisted that foreign-backed…
    07 November 2022
    Prosecutors provide new details in the “Bank Fraud” case: seizures of about 26 million lei imposed on Vladimir Andronachi

    Prosecutors provide new details in the “Bank Fraud” case: seizures of about 26 million lei imposed on Vladimir Andronachi

    In connection with the official charges brought against former Democratic MP Vladimir Andronachi, who is also included in the “Bank Fraud” case, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) an…
    07 November 2022
    Former district president, detained by National Anti-Corruption Centre for rigging tenders for his own benefit

    Former district president, detained by National Anti-Corruption Centre for rigging tenders for his own benefit

    Former Anenii Noi district chairman Sergei Rapcea was detained on Thursday, 3rd of November by National Anti-Corruption Centre (CNA) officers and anti-corruption prosecutors in an influence-peddling case. He is…
    07 November 2022
    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has detained another person in the case known as “Bank Fraud”.

    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office has detained another person in the case known as “Bank Fraud”.

    The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) detained on Wednesday, November 2, another person in the “Bank Fraud” case. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG), the detained p…
    07 November 2022
    Former MP Vladimir Andronachi, handcuffed at the border and escorted by lawmen

    Former MP Vladimir Andronachi, handcuffed at the border and escorted by lawmen

    After being expelled from Ukraine, former Democratic MP Vladimir Andronachi was handcuffed by law enforcement officers at the Criva-Mamaliga border crossing point. He was to be taken to the Anti-Corruption Pros…
    07 November 2022
    The Supreme Council of Prosecutors rejected the candidacy of former acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu for the position of acting Deputy Head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases

    The Supreme Council of Prosecutors rejected the candidacy of former acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu for the position of acting Deputy Head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases

    The Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) rejected, during its meeting on 1 November, the candidacy of former acting Prosecutor General Dumitru Robu for the position of acting deputy head of the Prosecutor̵…
    07 November 2022
    Prosecutors Mihail Ivanov and Vasile Plevan appointed by the Supreme Council of Prosecutors as interim deputy heads of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office

    Prosecutors Mihail Ivanov and Vasile Plevan appointed by the Supreme Council of Prosecutors as interim deputy heads of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office

    The Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) has approved the nomination of two candidates for the position of interim deputy heads of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), namely anti-corruption pro…
    07 November 2022


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