• Nicoleta Braghis
    Summary of the Sentence in a Murder Case: A Man killed in a Fight and No Conviction

    Summary of the Sentence in a Murder Case: A Man killed in a Fight and No Conviction

    Two years ago a 30-year-old man named Serghei Bejenari was beaten to death near the Atrium shopping center, downtown Chișinău by two people. The prosecutor accused two defendants of causing intentional injuries…
    05 July 2020
    Controversial Businessman Veceslav Platon Was Released from Prison

    Controversial Businessman Veceslav Platon Was Released from Prison

    On June 15, the controversial businessman Veaceslav Platon, former deputy of the Political Party Our Moldova Alliance (2009-2010), was released from Penitentiary no.13. The Chișinău Court, Ciocana headquarters…
    22 June 2020


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