• Corina Seremet
    The Major Cases Lost by Moldova at the ECtHR

    The Major Cases Lost by Moldova at the ECtHR

    The right to a fair trial, the prohibition of torture, the right to liberty and security are just some of the most often violated rights in Moldova, according to a summary of the Center for Legal Resources in M…
    12 December 2020
    Moldovan Villages Keeping Waste Away from the Landfills by Recycling

    Moldovan Villages Keeping Waste Away from the Landfills by Recycling

    The residents of Sărata Veche village, Fălești district, the north of Moldova, have been separating waste for three years. Each household collects plastic, glass, and household waste separately. At Sărata Veche…
    25 August 2020
    Former Prime Minister Vlad Filat Re-elected as the President of the party he founded, the Liberal Democratic Party

    Former Prime Minister Vlad Filat Re-elected as the President of the party he founded, the Liberal Democratic Party

    On August 16, the IX Extraordinary Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova took place. From the announcement made by the vice-president of the Liberal Democratic Party, the founder of the party…
    16 August 2020
    Moldova Leaves 90 Percent of Its Waste Unrecycled, Forming Thousands of Landfills

    Moldova Leaves 90 Percent of Its Waste Unrecycled, Forming Thousands of Landfills

    Annually, about 3 million cubic meters of household and commercial waste is thrown into the ground. Only 10 percent of this waste is sorted and recycled, the rest – is dumped in about 1,000 landfills. Thi…
    26 July 2020


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