Principală  —  Investigations   —   The Assets of Moldova's Deputies

The Assets of Moldova’s Deputies

Moldova has 101 deputies, three from them are independent candidates, 37 from the Socialist Party, 22 from the Democratic Party, 25 from the ACUM Bloc, seven from the Shor Party and seven former Democratic Party deputies who formed the Pro-Moldova group. Recently, the deputies submitted their declarations of assets and personal interests for 2019. While looking through their declarations, ZdG concluded that while some deputies cashed in fat salary checks others didn’t submit their declarations yet.  At the same time, a majority of the deputies contracted loans and received donations of thousands of euros.

The Assets of the Deputies from the Parliamentary Faction of the Socialist Party

For some deputies in the parliamentary faction of the Socialist Party, the year 2019 proved to be a prosperous one in which they managed to purchase new cars and apartments. But others have indicated in their declarations of assets only the salaries from the Parliament. 

The president of the Socialist faction in the Parliament, Corneliu Furculiță, earned a salary of over 9,000 euros in 2019, and his wife, Ludmila Furculiță, administrator of Exclusiv Media, earned over 11,000 euros. 

Also last year, the deputy decided to sell two of his assets. From the sale of a 50 square meters apartment, Furculiță has won 35,000 euros, plus 7,000 euros from the sale of a WV Passat car.

Now, the deputy’s family has been left with only one apartment, which it has owned since 2001, but also with a Skoda brand car, which they had in use since 2017. The deputy acquired a Toyota LC150, manufactured in 2019, which the deputy received in 2019 for use.

The deputy Corneliu Furculiță is the owner of Exclusiv Media, which manages the NTV station and the Russian language newspaper “Argumentî i fakî.” He is also the founder of Poliactiv, specialized in trade and construction.

New Apartment of Over 200 Square Meters and Damages of Thousands of Euros

Deputy Adrian Lebedinschi, who has so far declared three apartments, indicates in the declaration of assets and personal interests for 2019 that he has sold two of them for a total price of 115,000 euros. Instead, Lebedinschi bought a new, bigger apartment. The new apartment is valued at 57,000 euros and covers an area of ​​221 square meters.

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Lebedinschi received a 9,000 euros salary as a deputy in the Parliament, and a pension of over 5,300 euros. He also received around 36,000 euros as allowances and penalties from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Following a court decision, the deputy also received a compensation amounting to 215,000 euros. 

Last year, the deputy Vladimir Golovatiuc bought a new apartment of 73 square meters amounting to around 50,000 euros. In 2019, the deputy also became co-owner of another real estate. 

According to his declaration of assets and personal interests, Golovatiuc decided last year to sell one apartment. The Socialist deputy obtained 38,000 euros following the selling of the apartment. He also owns a Renault Cadjar since 2017. He also has a debt of over 10,300 euros, contracted in 2019 with an interest rate of zero percent. 

The New Deputy Nichita Țurcan Received an Apartment Donation

Nichita Țurcan is a new deputy in the Parliament. He reported for 2019 a salary of about 2,000 euros from the Socialist Party. And while in his previous declarations the deputy did not mention any good, in his new declaration, filed in March, Țurcan reports that he received a 67 square meter apartment as a donation. Also in 2019, the deputy bought a Volkswagen Jetta model car, manufactured in 2008, valued at 500 euros. 

Deputy Oleg Lipskii did not make purchases in 2019, but decided to sell two cars. According to the declaration of assets and personal interests, he sold for over 3,800 euros a Toyota Corolla, which he inherited in 2018 from his father. He also sold a Volkswagen Polo, made in 1998 for over 150 euros. Subsequently, the family’s deputy still has two cars, purchased in 2017 and 2016, an apartment and a share from another apartment.

Socialist Party Deputies with New Cars

Deputy Ivanna Koksal earned a salary of about 6,300 euros in 2019, and received a donation of about 10,000 dollars from her husband, Rafet Koksal. She also wrote in her declaration of assets an apartment that her family has owned since 2019 under a leasing contract, another apartment they have owned since 2004, but also another real estate of 248 square meters, received in 2013 in the form of a donation. The family of the deputy bought in 2019 a Honda CRV model car, manufactured in 2011, and worth over 5,000 euros.

The Socialist deputy Vitalii Evtodiev received a salary of over 1,000 euros from the Parliament, but also an income of over 2,200 euros from the Savim-Com, a company specialized in construction expertise, and to which the deputy is an associate. 

Also from this company, the family obtained dividends amounting to over 28,000 euros. Evtodiev wrote in his declaration of assets and personal interests over 20,000 euros, which he obtained from selling a mysterious good. According to the declaration of assets, the deputy owns a villa, an apartment, two cars, purchased in 2015 and 2017, and from 2019 he owns a Range Rover Sport, manufactured in 2014.

Deputy Irina Lozovan also bought new care in 2019. In her declaration of assets, she mentioned a Hyundai IX35 model car manufactured in 2014, but bought in 2019, worth around 500 euros. 

Lozovan’s family still owns two more cars, which also have a value of 500 euros. 

The National Integrity Authority website doesn’t have the declaration of assets and personal interests for 2019 of the deputies Ștefan Gațcan and Vlad Batrâncea. The two did not respond to calls and SMS sent by the reporter.

The Assets of the Deputies of the Democratic Party Parliamentarian Faction  

The Democratic Party has 22 deputies in the Parliament, nine of them made new acquisitions during 2019. 

A Donation of Over 15,500 Euros and a New Range Rover Sport Car

Deputy Eugeniu Nichiforciuc reports for 2019 a salary of over 6,700 euros from the Parliament. However, the deputy’s family received revenues from other sources as well. According to the declaration of assets and personal interests, the deputy obtained dividends amounting to over 8,000 euros from TransAgentGrup company, but also almost 25,000 euros from selling the only car he has declared so far – an Audi Q5 made in 2014. However, this Audi has been replaced by a Range Rover Sport, made in 2019, which the deputy’s family has been using since 2019.

Nichiforciuc also received donations from family events, amounting to over 15,500 euros, which is less than in 2018- 50,000 euros, but more than in 2017- 10,000 euros.  

The deputy mentioned in his declaration three apartments, a 10,000 euros debt contracted in 2016 and to be paid by 2021.

Revenue of Over 259,000 Euros Coming from Other Sources

Deputy Vladimir Andronachi received a salary of over 7,000 euros from the Parliament, but also other revenues obtained from renting activity, worth over 285,000 euros. 

In his declaration of assets, he also mentioned two commercial spaces, one of which has over 1,000 square meters, the share of an apartment received as donation, but also an apartment bought in 2014 whose area is 218 square meters. 

The deputy indicates that his family has become the owner of a new BMW X5 model car, manufactured in 2018 and worth over 67,000 euros. Andronachi’s family also owns another car, a Range Rover made in 2018, worth over 83,000 euros. 

Deputy Vasile Bîtca writes in his declaration of assets and personal interests a Toyota Camry model car, made in 2019, and acquired also in 2019 for 34,000 dollars. Also last year, Bîtca sold a 2016 Toyota Camry car gaining over 10,000 euros. 

Vasile Bîtca declares that he owns eight lands, an apartment, a dwelling house, and a garage. At the same time, the deputy indicates that his family contracted a loan in 2019 amounting to 39,000 euros. 

Deputy Nicolae Ciubuc also bought this year a Toyota Camry, manufactured in 2019, worth 30,000 euros. The deputy’s family also owns a BMW 525 car, which he purchased in 2018 for 5,000 euros. Last year Ciubuc had revenues of over 16,600, and an allowance from the Parliament of about 5,700 euros. The deputy also indicates in his declaration of assets a dwelling house, a garage, and another property. 

Former Minister of Education Acquires Another Apartment

Deputy Monica Babuc, former Minister of Education indicates in her declaration of assets and personal interests that her family became the owner of an apartment of 79 square meters, in which she previously owned only a share. According to the deputy, her family obtained the entire apartment following a donation from the other persons who were owning a share from the apartment. Babuc’s family also owns another apartment but also a house of 130 square meters. The deputy reports for last year a total salary of over 21,300 euros.

The Deputy with 10 Apartments, Two Houses and Four Cars

Deputy Radu Rebeja received a salary of over 11,000 euros, while his wife received a salary of 2,800 euros. According to the declaration of assets, the deputy’s family owns three real estate properties, two dwelling houses, and nine apartments. Also in 2019, he bought another apartment of 61 square meters, worth over 4,000 euros. The deputy also declared four cars, which his family owns: a Porsche Cayenne, an Opel Combo, a Hyundai Tucson and a Skoda Fabia.

In 2019, deputy Ion Leucă obtained an apartment of 86 square meters as a donation. According to his declaration of assets and personal interests, Leucă’s family also owns a garage, a dwelling house, and a Toyota Corolla model car that they bought in 2007. Also in 2019, the deputy contracted a 34,000 euros loan that he has to pay by 2024. 

Deputy Ghenadie Verdeș earned in 2019 a salary of over 9,600 euros, while his wife received over 7,500 euros. The family received about 1,000 euros from selling agricultural land. The Democrat says that till 2019 he has owned an apartment and a Renault Scenic car, but last year he decided to make a purchase. The deputy’s family thus became the owner of a Volvo XC60, manufactured in 2014, and worth over 7,700 euros. Also in 2019, the deputy’s wife contracted a loan worth over 10,000 euros.

Deputy Rotundu Svetlana earned cumulative salaries of over 12,000 euros and a pension of over 4,300 euros. The deputy wrote in her declaration of assets and personal interests two lands, a house of 100 square meters, but also three cars that the family owns. The most recent acquisition is a Duster, manufactured in 2013 and purchased in 2019, which value Svetlana Rotundu did not indicate in the statement.

The Deputies from the Pro-Moldova Parliamentary Group

In February 2020, six deputies left the Democratic Party arguing that they will not support a coalition between the Democratic and the Socialists Parties. Later, the deputies formed the Pro-Moldova parliamentary group, led by Andrian Candu, former President of the Parliament. 

Andrian Candu and his Debts to his Godfather


Andrian Candu, former President of the Parliament and Vladimir Plahotniuc’s godson, declared in 2019 lower incomes. However, according to his declaration of assets and personal interests, Candu made a few new acquisitions and added new bank accounts. Thus, in 2019, Candu received a salary of around 9,000 euros and an allowance of around 3,000 euros from the workplace. He didn’t declare other revenues. 

However, in 2019, Candu acquired some new real estate. In 2018 the deputy mentioned in his declaration of assets two apartments, but in 2019 he added a 134 square meters building and two garages. 

He bought the recent building and the garages from his godfather Vladimir Plahotniuc, the country’s tycoon who is involved in the theft of the century. The building is worth over 57,000 euros, while the two garages are worth around 21,000 euros. 

After he left the Parliament, Plahotniuc mentioned in his declaration of assets that he sold a 243 square meters apartment to his godson for around 244,000 euros. Previously, Candu was living there based on a leasing contract. Although Candu states in his declaration that the origin of this apartment is a sale-purchase contract, he does not indicate that he owns it.

The deputy’s family owns about 56,000 Czech crowns and around 40,000 euros on the bank accounts. In an investment fund, the deputy’s family has around 56,000 euros. In 2019, Candu also contracted a 156,000 euros debt from his godfather, at a zero interest rate. Candu will pay the debt by 2024. 

The Family of the Deputy Sîrbu Received Donations of 20,000 Euros

Sergiu Sîrbu, a deputy in the Pro-Moldova parliamentary group received, in 2019, a salary of around 10,000 euros and an allowance from the Parliament amounting to over 6,000 euros. 

The deputy’s family has also obtained amounting to 20,000 euros during family events.  According to his declaration of assets, Sîrbu made no purchase. He declares two apartments he has owned for several years. He also mentioned two cars which he is using since 2016, but do not belong to him. 

Vladimir Cebotari Inherited 200,000 Swiss Francs

Vladimir Cebotari, former Minister of Justice, obtained in 2019, received a salary of over 8,000 euros. However, Cebotari’s family received revenues from sales and dividends. 

Thus, the deputy mentions in his declarations of assets that in 2019 his family inherited 200,000 swiss francs, and obtained dividends of about 467,000 euros from Logistics Int. The deputy’s family owns 32 percent from the company that provides catering services on board aircraft. The deputy’s family also obtained 12,000 dollars and 46,000 euros from the sale of real estate. 

The deputy lent the 200,000 swiss francs donation to a relative at a zero interest rate.  The deputy mentioned that he has two villas and one Porsche Macan and one Porsche Panamera. In the bank accounts, Cebotari has 60,000 dollars and around 7,000 euros. 

Donations from a Family Event

In 2019, deputy Eleonora Graur received donations and incomes from other sources, besides the salary of over 10,000 euros. Graur’s family received over 4,000 euros following the sale of a building, over 1,000 euros after selling an agricultural land and a donation of 11,000 euros at a family event. The deputy’s family owns 11 lands, a dwelling house, and a Volvo XC60 car. Although, the deputy didn’t make significant purchases she mentioned that she has taken three loans of over 51,000 euros. 

The Deputy Who Owns a Car but Didn’t Declare It Until Now 

Deputy Corneliu Padnevici did not receive donations or inheritance in 2019. He had a salary of about 9,000 euros as deputy and an allowance of over 5,000 euros from the Parliament. In 2019, the family sold a Skoda Superb car for over 10,000 euros. And also in 2019, the deputy contracted a loan of around 8,000 euros, which he will have to pay by 2041. 

Padnevici declares six agricultural lands, a 117 square meters apartment acquired in 2018 and part of another apartment he has since 1994. He also declared a car, which was absent from his 2018 declaration of assets. The deputy claims he owns this car since 2016. 

Among the members of the Pro Moldova group is the deputy Grigore Repeșciuc, whose statement we did not find initially. Contacted by telephone, the deputy assured us that he submitted the statement in March and does not know why it is not on the National Integrity Authority’s site. A few hours after our conversation with the deputy, his declaration of assets became available. On the declaration, it was mentioned that it was completed in April 2020, not March as the deputy insisted.  

In 2019, Repeșciuc received a salary of around 7,000 euros. His wife received a salary of over 8,000 euros. The family also received dividends amounting to over 17,000 euros from Mihasi-Test-Auto company. 

The deputy’s family owns three lands, two apartments, a dwelling house, a Toyota Corola car, bought in 2018, and a Skoda Superb car, made and bought in 2019 and worth around 23,000 euros. 

The Assets of the Deputies from the Shor Party Parliamentarian Faction

The Shor Party deputies have submitted their declarations of assets and personal interests after the first year of mandate in the new Legislature. However, most of the deputies have debts and loans. 

Ilan Shor with Millions of Euros in Debts

Last year, Ilan Shor was announced an international search, the immunity of a deputy was lifted, and because he was absent from the sessions of the Parliament, he was also deprived of the salary of a deputy. However, in the declaration of assets and personal interests, he indicated that for the first term of office he raised a salary of over 3,000 euros from the Parliament, to which was added a salary of over 3,500 euros for the period in which he was mayor of Orhei, a city in the center of Moldova. 

Shor also received an allowance of about 500 euros and a compensation of almost 400 euros from the Parliament. His wife, Jasmine, received in 2019, from the entrepreneurial activity over 11,000 euros.  In 2019, the deputy’s family did not make new purchases. The deputy mentions the same goods, two apartments, a dwelling house and four cars, including a 2017 Bentley Mulsane Extend, purchased by the family in 2017 worth over 310,000 euros. Shor also mentions that he contracted a loan from his step-mother of around €1.6 million. Previously, Shor borrowed from his step-mother, in 2018, €20 million. 

In 2019, deputy Vadim Fotescu also contracted loans. In his declaration of assets and personal interests, he mentioned a loan of around 10,000 euros, with a zero interest rate, contracted from a company that deals with the dutyfree business and belonged to the Shor family. 

Also last year, the deputy became the owner of a Hyundai Santa Fe car, purchased with an amount identical to the one borrowed. The deputy also has a car, purchased in 2013, and two apartments. Fotescu earned around 13,000 euros from several jobs in 2019. He also received over 49,000 euros in the form of dividends from Profistaff company, to which Fotescu holds a 100 percent share and which specializes in business and management consulting activities.

Fees and Dividends of Millions

Deputy Denis Ulanov reports for 2019 revenues from several sources. From the Parliament, he raised a salary of about 5,000 euros, and from the law firm that bears his name he earned over 83,000 euros. The deputy’s family has also obtained dividends of over 145,000 euros from Legalarte and Stevart companies, which provide legal services and in which the family owns a 100 percent share. From the sale of some goods, the family obtained over 18,000 euros.  Also last year, the deputy’s family became the owner of a new motorcycle, made in 2019, but also the owner of a 2019 Mercedes GLS400.

Marina Tauber Earned 15,000 Euros on Her Birthday

Previously, deputy Marina Tauber mentioned that she receives money from projects she is involved, but after she published her declaration of assets and personal interests for 2019, ZdG found no projects. Moreover, the deputy’s only income was the salary as a parliamentarian amounting to over 5,000 euros. Tauber mentions 15,000 euros that she earned on her birthday. Also last year, Tauber received a new VW Passat car worth around 18,000 euros. 

ZdG asked Tauber about the projects she was mentioning before, which weren’t in the deputy’s declaration of assets. Tauber claimed that this declaration could be completed later. Marina Tauber also owns goods which value exceeds the amount of 10 average salaries per economy, such as Rolex watch and Van Cleef earrings. Marina Tauber also took a loan last year, from Ilan Shor’s stepmother. The loan amounts to around 47,000 euros. 

Reghina Apostolova

Reghina Apostolova also has a VW Passat car, claiming that she received this car last year. The deputy reports for 2019 a salary of over 6,000 euros from the Parliament and Orhei City Hall. She also received over 6,000 euros in the form of allowances, compensations and pensions.

Petru Jardan

The deputy Petru Jardan declares for 2019 a salary of about 5,000 euros from Parliament and another 31,000 euros from Avia Invest. The deputy of the faction of the Shor Party reports that he sold a Porsche last year, and as a result of the transaction obtained 45,000 euros. Also last year, Jardan’s family chose a Mercedes brand car, which he has in use. 

Igor Himici

Although he had a salary of only 2,500 euros from the Parliament and his wife received about 8,000 euros, the deputy Igor Himici declared in his declaration of assets and personal interests a considerable income obtained from donations from family events. Thus, last year, the family of the deputy won donations from birthdays in the amount of 6,500 euros. The family of the parliamentarian owns the share of an apartment and from 2018 has a Mercedes.

The Assets of the Deputies from the ACUM Bloc

The ACUM Bloc, formed from deputies from the Action and Solidarity Party and from the Truth and Dignity Platform Party gained 25 seats following the parliamentary elections in February 2020.  

The vice president of the Action and Solidarity Party parliamentarian faction, Dan Perciun, in 2019, received a salary of over 6,400 euros from the Parliament and a 4,500 pounds donation from his father. The deputy indicates in his new declaration of assets and personal interests that his family became, in 2020, the owner of a share of an apartment. Other assets, the deputy does not indicate, but specifies that in 2019 he also contracted a 19,000 euros loan, which he will return to the bank by 2027.

Dumitru Alaiba, another deputy from the Action and Solidarity Party parliamentarian faction mentions in his declaration of assets and personal interests a new apartment. In 2019, the deputy received a salary of over 6,000 euros and an income of 10,000 euros from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. His wife received an income of 3,000 euros. The deputy earned another 50,000 euros by selling an apartment. Thus, the deputy’s family owns the share of a dwelling house and three apartments, one of which was bought in 2020 at the price of 92,000 euros. In 2020 Alaiba also took a loan of around 44,000 euros that is to be paid by 2045.

Doina Gherman, another deputy of the Action and Solidarity Party parliamentarian faction received a salary of over 7,500 euros. According to her declaration of assets and personal interests, the deputy’s family sold a BMW X5 car for 10,000 euros and obtained over 20,000 euros as dividends from Agrogal-Trans company, where the family owns a stake of 100 percent. The deputy declares two lands, the share of an unfinished construction and no apartment or dwelling. Instead, last year her family bought a Lexus RX 450 H, at a price of 35,000 euros, but also a Skoda Octavia, worth 6,400 euros. In 2019, the deputy’s husband contracted a loan of over 10,000 euros.

The deputy president of the Parliament, also a member of the Action and Solidarity Party parliamentarian faction, Mihai Popșoi, purchased a Toyota Auris car, manufactured in 2016, and purchased in 2019 at a price of 11,000 euros. In his declaration of assets and personal interests, he also mentions another car. The deputy reports for the past year over 9,700 euros from his workplace and a scholarship of over 10,000 euros from the University of Milan. The deputy’s family owns two apartments and a dwelling house.

Galina Sajin, another deputy of the Action and Solidarity Party parliamentarian faction bought a car. According to the declaration of assets and personal interests, the deputy bought, a Toyota Yaris for 12,000 euros. For the past year, Galina Sajin reports a salary of about 800 euros and other 10,000 euros from other sources. The deputy also owns a dwelling house that she received as a donation in 2009.

Arina Spătaru deputy of the Dignity and Truth Platform Party parliamentarian faction, earned in 2019 a salary of about 6,000 euros, and obtained another 11,000 euros obtained from the sale of a building. The deputy’s family owns a 196 square meter dwelling house, a commercial space, but also three cars, one of which was purchased in 2019. Specifically, a Toyota Urban Cruiser, manufactured in 2009, with an indicated value of 8,500 euros. In 2019, Arina Spătaru’s husband contracted a loan amounting to over 10,000 euros. 

The other members of the ACUM Bloc have not indicated in their declarations of assets and personal interests new acquisitions. Deputy Oazu Nantoi is the only member of the ACUM Bloc that has not submitted the declaration of assets.